How world war one led to stale mate

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   There were several reasons why world war one lead to stalemate but the main reason was the failure of the schlieffen plan. The Chief of General Staff, Count von Schlieffen, created the schlieffen plan.

   The plan was to march through Belgium, as Belgium would not put up much resistance, avoiding the French defenses and storm Paris, which would cause the French to surrender. Which in turn would prevent the British joining the war. Meanwhile Russia would declare war on Germany, Von Schlieffen calculated that it would take Russia at least six weeks to organize its large Army for an attack on Germany. The plan involved using 90% of Germany's armed forces to attack France and leaving the rest to defend the eastern front from Russian attacks. After the army had taken Paris and the French had surrendered it would rush back to the Eastern front and attack the Russian army.

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   But this is what really happened. The Germans did go through Belgium like in their plan however the Belgians put up a lot more resistance than expected and this slowed down the Germans considerably. Also the British came to the Belgium’s aid. The German army fought there may through Belgium and made a dash for Paris they almost made it but the French rushed out reserve troops in any transport vehicle they could get their hands on and the Germans were stopped at the Battle of Marne. Meanwhile Russia was gathering their forces and a lot faster than the ...

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