Improvements to the Treaty of Versailles - why weren't they possible at the time?

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Why were these ‘improvements’ impossible at the time?

For the establishing a lasting peace section, I wrote down the points:

  • Wilson’s 14 point plan        
  • Allowing Germany to be involved in the negotiations of the treaty
  • Spread the war guilt to all the countries fighting on Germany’s side
  • Insist on disarmament
  • Admit Germany in to the league of Nations
  • Tie USA to Europe, don’t allow them to isolate itself

I believe that these improvements were impossible at the time Wilson’s 14 point plan did not agree much with the French President, Georges Clemenceau and the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George.  They believed it to be to fair and unharsh towards Germany. My second point was to allow Germany in to the negotiations of the treaty. I thought that this was going to be impossible as Clemenceau would not allow this to happen and that if Germany were allowed, they would disagree to everything that was said, and that they would not sign the treaty. As Clemenceau wanted to blame Germany for everything about the war, spreading the war guilt to countries in Germany’s side, such as, Austria and Hungary, and admitting Germany in to the League of Nations, would have been impossible it the circumstances. The fourth point, insist on disarmament would have been impossible to add because when the German president read the treaty, he would probably not sign the treaty as he would still want weapons in case of an invasion. The final point, tie USA to Europe, would have been quite hard because Wilson wanted to concentrate on America rather than Europe as he was mainly focusing on that in the past. He just wanted to put forward a plan for long lasting peace and then leave it at that.

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For the Punish Germany section, I wrote down the points:

  • Take more reparations
  • Take all overseas colonies away from Germany
  • Loss of territories, e.g. deny access to the sea
  • War guilt

For Punish Germany, it is very similar to the actual treaty. Even though Germany thought this was very harsh, it is nothing compared to the next section. Germany would not accept war guilt as they did not think that they caused the war. Increasing the Reparations would have been impossible as the powers that were involved in the negotiations of the treaty, took 2/3 years to ...

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