In 1933, when the German government started to feel that Germany was beginning to establish itself again; the Wall Street crash took place

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In 1933, when the German government started to feel that Germany was beginning to establish itself again; the Wall Street crash took place. This caused all the loans of cash from America being stopped, resulting in Germany’s economic improvement coming to an end. Due to the “Treaty of Versailles”, Germany was still previously in debt to France and Belgium.  However, now Germany was in an even greater state of arrears, as it also owed money to America. Germany’s economic industry struggled to cope under the new economic pressures and many were forced into liquidation. This resulted in a lot of Germans becoming unemployed, a lack of faith in investment opportunities and a devaluing of the German currency.

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The Weimar government was a coalition government, so the parties within it were unable to agree on several key areas and was therefore, unable to make the necessary changes to the economy to halt the economic turn down.

At the time, most of Germany was full of a lot of communists (mainly Jews). They had attended the speeches which Hitler made in the beer hall, but there were mainly Germans there. Hitler’s speeches were very persuasive. They convinced the Germans that the Jews were there enemies. In 1933 on the 27th of February the Reichstag fire occurred; this ...

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