In what ways did the Nazis attempt to eliminate all Jews in Europe from 1941 onwards?

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In what ways did the Nazis attempt to eliminate all Jews in Europe from 1941 onwards?

From 1941 the Nazis used the Einsatzgruppen, concentration camps, hard labour and worst of all death camps to eliminate Jews. They also set up transportation systems to the concentration/death camps from the ghettos.

 Poland 1939 ghettos where introduced into society, because of the large population of Jews in Poland that Hitler felt had to be controlled and used as a work force. The conditions in the ghetto where cramped to say the least. An average household would have seven people to a room with only one in every hundred flats with running water and a basic ration of three hundred calories per person. With widespread disease and hunger many people died, in the Warsaw ghetto alone 500,000 people died of starvation and typhus, despite all this the Jews tried to live like a community even though they where beaten, killed, forced to work with little food and only allowed to leave the ghettos to work in the near by factories or to be ‘resettled’ by the Nazis. This is how many Jews met their deaths, its not however the only way they met their deaths.

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 Countless Jews died as a result of the Einsatzgruppen, in 1941 the German army invaded the USSR and wit them they brought the Einsatzgruppen, and their task was to annihilate all the Jews, gypsies, communists, political leaders and intelligentsia. At the beginning the Einsatzgruppen would have mass shootings where hundreds of Jews died in one go. But this was stopped when it was said to have a psychological impact on the executioners so they changed their methods of killing from mass shootings to CO vans; mobile gas chambers.

 Transportation from occupied Europe to concentration/death camps was arranged. Carriage trains ...

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