In what ways did the Nazis try to eliminate all Jews in Europe in the years from 1941 onwards?

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3.  In what ways did the Nazis try to eliminate all Jews in Europe in the years from 1941 onwards?

The Nazis used many methods to eliminate all the Jews in Europe from 1941 onwards. They used concentration camps, Ghettos, Death camps, Einsatzgruppen (murder squads) and the Final Solution.

The Final Solution was the plan to annihilate all the Jews out of Europe. This was also known as the mass murder of the Jews (Genocide). The persecution of the Jews was applied in stages. After the Nazi party achieved power, state enforced racism resulted in anti-Jewish legislation, boycotts, “Aryanization,” Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) programme, all of which was aimed towards the Jewish population, specifically to isolate them from the German society and to drive them out of the German area. After the June 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) began killing operations aimed entirely at the Jewish communities. The SS, the Elite Guard of the Nazi state, soon regarded the mobile killing methods, mainly shooting and/or gas vans, as inefficient as psychological trouble on the killers. In the autumn of 1941, Heinrich Himmler assigned SS General Odilo Globocnik (SS and police leader for Lublin) to take out the operation of systematically murdering the Jews of the general government. This operation was then given the codename Aktion Reinhard after Heydrich (who had been tasked with implementing the final solution and who was assassinated by Czech partisans in May 1942). Three extermination camps were established in Poland as a part of Aktion Reinhard, these were called Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. On arrival at the camps, Jews were sent directly to gas chambers. Globocnik assistant, SS Major Hermann Hoeffel, was in charge of organising the deportation to the Aktion Reinhard camps. The Nazis also gassed Jews in other extermination camps in Poland: Auschwitz Berkenau (the largest of all camps), Majdanek and Chelmno. At Majdanek, groups of Jews who were considered incapable of doing the work required were gassed. In Chelmno all of the Jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. The Nazis systematically murdered over three million Jews in extermination camps. In its whole, the “Final Solution” called for the murder of the Jews of Europe by gassing, shooting and other ways. Up to six million Jews lost their lives, and that’s the same amount of Jews that were living in Europe in 1939.

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There was a Ghetto in every major city. A Ghetto was designed to keep the Jewish population of that city in a confined area. The largest Ghetto held one hundred and sixty five thousand people in a space of 1.6 square miles. Warsaw housed over 350 thousand Jews. The Germans occupied Warsaw on September 29, 1939. The order of establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto came in 1940. The Ghetto was sealed on November 15, 1940, and ultimately contained 500 thousand people. It was surrounded by a ten-foot high wall, which on top was lined with barbed wire. In February of ...

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