jack the ripper

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Why did the Whitechapel murders attract so much attention in 1888?

There are many reasons for which the Whitechapel murders and Jack the ripper became famous. One of which being the nature of the crimes. The nature of the crimes was horrific and was done in a unique way. All the victims were prostitutes and they were attacked because they were the most vulnerable and went around alone at night. Also most of the crimes were done in the same area. These two things showed that there was a small pattern in how and who was murdered. The problems were that none of the murder scenes showed any evidence to show who might be the criminal. The murders were done and repeated again but the police were no where near to finding out who the murderer was. This attracted a lot of attention to the area. Also, this was a huge challenge for the police because they did not know what a serial killer was and the crime was completely new to them. The police had only had a basic training and law and enforcement had only started to come into action. However, one of the things that attracted the attention was how the victims were murdered.

The way the victims were murdered was completely different from any other crime at the time. The bodies were mutilated and dissected. The mutilated bodies showed that the criminal was used to mutilating or dissecting things and also the criminal used brutal force on the body. Here is some evidence of some of the bodies that were mutilated:

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Mary Ann Nicholas, 31st august 1888

"Five teeth were missing, and there was a slight laceration of the tongue. There was a bruise running along the lower part of the jaw on the right side of the face. That might have been caused by a blow from a fist or pressure from a thumb. There was a circular bruise on the left side of the face which also might have been inflicted by the pressure of the fingers. On the left side of the neck, about 1 in. below the jaw, there was an incision about 4 in. in length, and ...

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