Jack the Ripper - What can you learn from Source A about the murder of Martha Tabram and Polly Nicholls?

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Amandeep Dhaliwal


Jack the Ripper Coursework Assignment

1) Study Source A

What can you learn from Source A about the murder of Martha Tabram and Polly Nicholls?

Source A says that the victims Martha and Polly were the ‘poorest of poor’ and were from London. This suggests that the murderer is targeting poor women in the London area. The content of source A also shows that the murderer had ‘no adequate motive’ in committing the murders. This suggests, that either there is no clear motive or there may be a motive but the source, which is a popular ‘East End’ newspaper may be trying to create panic in the East End of London.

Source A was written when Jack the Ripper had committed his first murders. At the time the source would have created considerable alarm among the poor East End public. In the Nineteenth Century there was a large poor population. This suggests they were vulnerable victims for Jack the Ripper.

The nature of Source A is from the ‘East End Observer’ a local newspaper. This means that they may be trying to dramatise the situation, words like ‘extraordinary violence’ create a shocking view of the crime. The language of the newspaper makes the crime seem more extraordinary. The origin of the source as a newspaper is also affected by the journalist who wrote the source. They may have individual experiences that affect their writing. The source is limited as it does not give details of substantial facts such as forensic evidence. The source says ‘the crimes were committed by a demented being,’ this is only an opinion.

This source is also useful as it is a primary source this can be seen from its nature and origin. This is important because it allows the reader to understand the views at the time of the murders. The source is only useful if it is used with other sources. Other sources are needed to prove or disprove the opinions put forward by source A.

2) Study Sources A, B and C

Does the evidence of source C support the evidence of sources A and B about the Ripper murders? Explain your answer.

Source C suggests that the Ripper murders were very brutal and very violent. It also suggests that the killer knew what he was doing. Source C says, ‘the deceased was lying on her left side.’ It also says, ‘the mouth was slightly opened. In the neck there was a long incision which commenced on the left.’ It goes on to say, ‘cutting the windpipe completely in two.’ This suggests that the person did know what he was doing by the way he killed his victims.

Both source C and A suggests that a lot of violence was used in the murders. What source C says about the violence used is ‘it was smeared with blood,’ it goes on to say ‘there was a long incision which commenced on the left side, two and half inches.’

Similar to source C, source A also talks about the amount of violence used. It talks about ‘the excess of effort that has been apparent’ this also infers that a lot of violence was used. These are the main similarities between the two sources.

However, whilst source C gives facts about the murder, source A is more dramatised and it is based on opinions. The quote, ‘both crimes are the work of a demented being,’ is an opinion. ‘The deceased was lying on her left side across the passage; her face was looking toward the right wall.’ This quote from source C is a clear fact. Source C describes the victim’s death. On the other hand source A is a newspaper and is trying to entertain the people by talking more about the murderer in dramatic language.

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Both source C and B suggests that the murderer had good understanding of anatomy and how to skilfully cut the body; ‘It was done by one who knew where to find what he wanted.’  Source C shows that that the murderer had detailed knowledge of anatomy, ‘In the neck there was a long incision which commenced on the left side, two and half inched below the angle of the jaw, cutting the windpipe completely in two.’ This shows that the murderer did not commit his crimes hastily. The murderer made sure he worked carefully like a surgeon. Source B ...

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