June 2005 my answers

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2005 Past paper


(a) Study Source A.

         What is the message of this cartoon? Use details of the cartoon and your knowledge to explain your answer.        

The cartoon reflects British exasperation at the American refusal to join the League of Nations. Uncle Sam is depicted resting, nonchalant and smoking before the League of Nations ‘bridge’ has been completed. It must be noted that ‘Keystone U.SA – what is supposed to be the centrepiece of the League of Nations, and the key component that ensures the structural integrity of the bridge, is missing, being used as a back rest for Uncle Sam.

Many politicians in Britain at the time were sorely aware of the power and prestige the U.S enjoyed by 1919 and many felt uncomfortable shouldering the League of Nations with the U.S.A’s financial and military backing. The cartoonist, points out quite clearly the League is jeoperdised by the lack of the U.S.A. This weakness is inherent or ‘built in’ – this is shown in the structure of the bridge.

Britain is now shouldering the burden of the League alongside the even weaker France and the cartoonist points out the gaping chasm in which they could fall because of the U.S.A returning to the policy of ‘isolationism’ – he points out the irony of the return to this policy of ‘isolationism’ after the general election of 1920 when the more ‘isolationist’ republicans triumphed over the more ‘interventionist’ democrats and there was a deadlock in the U.S government, making it unable to ratify the covenant of the League of Nations and so ignore its international responsibilities, the cartoonist points out.

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(b) Explain why the League of Nations was established.

The League of Nations was established very much as the centrepiece for Wilson’s ‘new world order’ Open and collective discussion was to replace secret diplomacy, such as the Triple Entente which Wilson believed had led to the war in the first place. All this collective discussion was to be carried out through the League. The League had other aims, many of which reflected Wilson’s own political policies. It was to promote self-determination and disarmament, cooperation and trading. These are points which Wilson believed would help keep the peace as ...

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