Liberal Reforms 1906-1914

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"How important were concerns about poverty in Britain in the Liberal Government's decision to introduce social reforms between 1906 and 1914?"

It is widely felt that poverty was the driving force behind the liberal government's decision to pass social reforms between 1906 and 1914 after their General Election victory in 1906. Historians argue however that there are many other factors which had a role to play in reforms being introduced starting in 1906.These and other factors to be considerd include concerns about National security,National efficiency,,new liberism,industrial competition,political pragmatism,the Boar war & growth of socialism.

The Liberals began a series of ambitious social reforms such as medical examinations for school children, free meals for the poorest students and a programme for slum clearance. Other reforms involved the setting up of Labour exchanges and the introduction of a basic old age pension scheme.

Concerns about poverty were indeed great.Surveys by Booth & Rowntree showed the majority of the causes of poverty,where due to common belief that the poor were so due to their own fault.What they considerd the real causes of poverty were,Unemployment,poor health & also due to rasing children,through Elderly age and casuaol work.They also revealed that the workhouses & conditions in the workhouses were not a good-way of tackling poverty.

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Poor physical health of the pouplation was also a result of poverty. Rowntree estimated 25%-30% of York met criteria for poverty.Infant mortality rates where much high in lesser deprived areas compared to wealthy areas.The Boar war also led to frighting discouveries about the physical condition of the population.25% of volenteers were too weak to join.There were also a wide variety of health issues ranging from poor eye-sight to decaying teeth.With a predicted impending war with germany looming there was a fear that britain would not be ready or strong enough to be able to fight and win the war.The ...

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