Many people have been blamed with causing the Holocaust, from Hitler to the people of Germany. However, all of these parties can be divided into two groups: Leadership and

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Mock GCSE Coursework Summer 2003


Question Three-

Many people have been blamed with causing the Holocaust, from Hitler to the people of Germany.  However, all of these parties can be divided into two groups: Leadership and “Ordinary” people.  The main groups I will look at will be in Germany, mainly the German government and ordinary German people.  

        The hatred of Jews dates back hundreds of years.  Jews were slaughtered in there thousands during the 16th Centaury, and were seen as a general menace.  So, there has always been some kind of anti-semitic view in Europe, especially the central part.  There was also a very large hatred of Jews within the German Christian Church.  The Christian church saw Jews as the murderer of their saviour and as such, was not fond of any Jewish people.  The hatred between the two religions contributed greatly to the hatred of Jews in general in Germany.  

        The main blame for the holocaust has come to fall, fairly obviously on Adolph Hitler and his Generals including, Goring, Himmler and Heydrich.  Hitler is portrayed as having envisaged and planned the Final Solution from when he came to power until he died in 1945.  Hitler’s fervent anti-semistism played a huge part in the persecution of Jews during World War II.  The Jews were frequently referred to in Hitler’s autobiography "Mein Kampf" and Hitler had made plain his hated for them.  References to the "filthy Jew" litter the book. In one section, Hitler wrote about how the Jews planned to "contaminate" the blood of pure Germans:

"The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end...spying on the unsuspicious German girl he plans to seduce...He wants to contaminate her blood and remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that the Jews might dominate."

Hitler blamed the Jews for all the misfortunes that had befallen Germany when he came to power.  He believed that the loss of World War I (which he had served in) was the result of a Jewish conspiracy; Hitler blamed the Jews for all the misfortunes that had befallen Germany when he came to power.  He believed that the loss of World War I (which he had served in) was the result of a Jewish conspiracy, the Treaty of Versailles was also a Jewish conspiracy designed to bring Germany to her knees and that the hyperinflation of 1923 was the result of an international Jewish attempt to destroy Germany.  Nowadays, many ordinary people would see these accusations as paranoid lies, just as many people are questioning Tony Blair and George W. Bush on their decision to invade Iraq at the moment, but in 1933, the people of Germany were very willing to listen to Hitler’s outrageous claims.  However, when war broke out in 1939, Hitler’s attitude changed slightly, and not wanting to alienate himself from the German people, tried to distance himself from the slaughtering itself.  Hitler often publicly claimed that the Jews were not being slaughtered but merely “resettled”.  There has never actually been any documents found written by Hitler that indicate that he did order the Final Solution but it cannot be denied that there would have been no way that the Final Solution could have been initiated without some kind of authoritative nod-of-the-head from Hitler.

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       Hitler was not the only leader-like figure who could be to blame for the Holocaust.  His Generals played a very large role in initiating and controlling the slaughter of millions of Jews.  Himmler, Heydrich and the SS all played a very large role in the overseeing of the Holocaust.  As head of the SS, he had ultimate responsibility of internal security in Nazi Germany and was associated with helping to organise the Final Solution though Heydrich had a major input into the organisation of the Holocaust.  He was very keen on the creation of a master race ...

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