May 1st 1845.

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May 1st 1845

I’m actually quite scared as today, we are going on a journey. The thing is, I have no idea where to, then again, I don’t think anyone does. All I know is that we are going west. A lot of my friends and their family’s have gone but I haven’t seen them since and I doubt that I ever will again. My brother James says were going because there’s not enough room for us and we’ll find a better, wealthier life, but I don’t know how he knows that. I’m scared of the Indians we might see. I’ve heard they kill you because you are white. All we’re taking are some blankets, pillows, food and all the money and valuables we have to buy supplies and things. Dad says we’ll be travelling most of the time anyway. Were taking the two horses and a wagon my dad and my brother made. My older sister is really upset. She set up her own business and my mum forced her to give it up to come with us. I’m going to miss Independence. I’ve lived here all 10 years of my life; all my memories are here, but so are everyone else’s. I really can’t see the point in giving up everything to go and look for a life that we don’t even know exists. What if there’s nothing there? What will we do then? Who knows what’s to come? The only way to find out is to go and see.

May 25th 1845

I haven’t written anything for a while as I have only had time to eat and sleep as we have been travelling non-stop. I thought I’d better write today while something was fresh in my mind. I saw an Indian tribe today. A man told me they were Siauly Indians I think. I was petrified. I thought they were going to attack us, but they never. They just stood and watched us walk by. They were the first live Indians I’ve ever seen. They don’t look like us at all. They have dark brown skin and dress in what looks like animal skins. I wonder why they didn’t attack us. They do in the books we learnt from in school. It’s really boring all this travelling. It’s really hot and really tiring. I always feel like I’m going to collapse. My mum says we walk about 15 kilometres a day! It feels like a hundred. We can see a building in the distance. We’re heading towards that in case there are people there. We don’t even know what the building is yet. It could have been abandoned for all we know. I’m still worried about those Indians though. What if they’re following us and are trying to kill us, or we see another tribe that do actually attack.

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June 5th 1845

We have reached the building which turned out to be a Fort (Fort Laramie). I’m writing while everyone stocks up on supplies. There seems to be a nice man here who my dad said is extremely helpful. He told us there was another fort up ahead, but he said that was a long way away; over what he called the Rocky’s. I haven’t seen any more Indians yet, although I fear that we shall. I think were lucky we found this place as we may have ran out of supplies if we never. That wagon we ...

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