Modern World Study - Ireland

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GCSE History Coursework

Modern World Study


By Michael Bradshaw

Why have previous attempts at peace in Ireland failed? As people have said before, Ireland is 'a politicians graveyard'. Why are there so many potential pitfalls hindering the progress of any future movement towards peace? What has or hasn't worked in the past that might work now? What does each side want, and who do they expect to get it for them? So many questions need to be answered before any moves for peace can be made. One of the main problems stopping further end to the troubles in Ireland is the fact that if one is happy with something, for example a treaty such as the Anglo Irish Agreement, you can be sure that another side will be very unhappy with it. It all stems down to the fact that neither side can be satisfied. Republicans want a United Ireland, and to sever all ties with Britain in Ulster. But most of the people living in Ulster are Loyalists and want to stay part of Britain, mainly because they're scared of the treatment they'd get from a Catholic ruling. So what must be done in future to make the peace work?

Many attempts have been made at peace in Northern Ireland before, and most have either failed or only brought slight success. One major breakthrough was the Good Friday agreement, signed on the tenth of April 1998. Parties involved were the British Government, the Government of the Republic of Ireland, and political parties of Unionists, Nationalists, Republicans and Loyalists. The President of the United States at that time, Bill Clinton was also involved, providing political support. Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party and another extremist party decided to boycott the talks, which determined the most major political shift from the British Government since Ireland split into two in 1921. The Belfast Agreement was to replace the Anglo Irish agreement, with better terms for both sides. In addition to all the trouble over power, Britain and Ireland addressed the growing conflict over national identities, and provided Ireland with the choice over their nationality. From now on they could choose whether they were, British, Irish or both. It signified to all sides that negotiations WERE possible, and that agreements could be made. But sticking points are still there. The IRA is still as big a problem as ever, with Sinn Fein showing no signs of willingness to disarm. But there the Good Friday agreement showed that there were ways forward, and that parties such as Sinn Fein could negotiate. All the major political parties involved in the Irish struggle sat down and compromised. It showed a major breakthrough, it showed that Republicans could accept people in Ulster choosing to be British instead of Irish. It showed that they could co-operate with other parties.
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Another major attempt at peace was the power-sharing executive. In 1972 Britain was in direct rule of Ulster. But in 1974, talks were held between the British Government, Politicians from the SDLP and the Ulster Unionist party decided that a new assembly should rule Ireland. Elections were held for a parliament in Ulster, with Catholics being treated as equals. The Unionists won, and a small minority of nationalists were invited to join the government. The Unionist Brian Faulkner and the Nationalist Gerry Fitt, as it was known, led the Power Sharing Executive. It was hailed a success by ...

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