Munich Putsch 1923 - Sources Questions

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The Munich Putsch 1923

Question 1

The one of many jobs Adolf Hitler had was to spy on political parties to discover their ideas, thoughts and tactics. This inspired him and he became very interested in one certain group called the German Workers Party (the DAP). Hitler liked the DAP's ideas and decided to join them. He was member number seven and although the DAP had only had funds of 7.5 marks (which is about 40p) he was about to make them one of the most powerful political parties in the world.

Hitler used a lot of propaganda to make the DAP more stronger and this worked. The DAP grew stronger and larger very quickly from this propaganda which included posters and advertisements in papers. Hitler also had a flag designed for him (which he took credit for) called the Swastika and represented the DAP's main beliefs.

 Hitler also made speeches to crowds, which were noticed because of his very, very loud speaking voice! He also changed the DAP's name into the 'National Socialist German Workers Party' which was soon nick named the Nazi Party.

The Nazi Party started to attract more and more members and from 1918 when there were only 7 members. That increased to 3000 members in 1922.

In 1921 Hitler was titled Der Fuhrer, which means 'The Leader'. His ideas included the 25 point plan which was mainly Nationalist and Anti-Semitist and included points like 'We demand the end to the Versailles treaty', 'We demand all immigration into the country be stopped' and 'None but those of German blood may be a member of Germany; no Jew therefore may be German', only a few of these points were socialist ones.

Hitler soon introduced a new idea into the Nazi Party. When Hitler was giving a speech somewhere public, sometimes other parties came to heckle and challenge him. Hitler decided to create something called the 'Sports and Gymnastics Division' which involved unemployed men, usually ex-soldiers, making sure there were no problems while the Nazi speeches were going on by basically beating up any trouble makers! Hitler gave the men old World War 1 uniforms and were also nicknamed the 'Brownshirts' as the shirts were brown! The 'Sports and Gymnastics Division' also used to disrupt other parties meetings and were also called the SA, which stood for 'Storm Troopers'.

Hitler's Political Career was a busy one from 1918-1922 and proved successful, making him increasingly popular and powerful.

Question 2

Putsch- Armed revolution, a violent attempt to overthrow the government, illegal road to power.

In November 1923, Hitler had finally achieved strength that he needed to overthrow the Weimar Republic. He wanted to do this because of the hatred that he had for them after signing the Treaty of Versailles and for giving into the French by ending the passive resistance campaign in the Ruhr. This drove Hitler to plan what would be, the Munich Putsch.

Hitler planned to march to Berlin with his Nazi soldiers, the SA. The point of this march was to attract others to join Hitler in his fight to overthrow the government.

General Ludendorff, an old World War One hero, and Ernst Rohm, leader of the S.A, joined him in his campaign.

On November 8th, Hitler stormed into a pub called the ‘Burgerbraukeller’ which was having a meeting held at the same time by 3 Bavarian leaders. Lossow-a South German army commander, Kahr-the leader of Bavaria and Seisser-in charge of the police force. As

he walked in, Hitler didn’t get the response he had expected. Infact, he got the complete opposite. He had to shoot a gun in the air to get the people in the pubs attention. After doing this, he individually held each of the Bavarian leaders at gunpoint and asked for their support in his actions. They agreed for fear of their lives.

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General Ludendorff then entered the pub announcing to everyone that he would support Hitler in his plans. Hitler then made a speech to the cheering, supportive audience that he had and said that he was going to carry out the vow that he made years ago, he promised to make Germany a much more powerful and greater country. As he spoke, Storm Troopers were already taking control of government offices and arresting officials.

That following day, November 9th, the 3 Bavarian leaders changed their minds to support Hitler and ordered him to be stopped. The Army was sent attack Ernst ...

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