Nazi Rise to Power

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Yr 12 IB History

The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis

  1. Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power of one ruler (i.e. Hitler) of a single-party state.

Hitler’s rise to power, culminating in the establishment of his dictatorship in July 1933, were a direct result of the conditions of the period, and linked with the methods and policies he adopted as the leader of the Nazi Party, and then as Chancellor from January 1933. In terms of the economy, the Great Depression in 1929 emulated Hitler and the Nazis’ rule, as voters looked to the extremes for a solution to the deteriorating Weimar Republic system. Secondly, the propaganda machine that Goebbels implemented upon the German people, both during the Depression and the months before the March 1933 election. Finally, the legal revolution that he led the Republic through once he became Chancellor until the full creation of his dictatorship was reality was the final step in Hitler’s rise to power of the head of the Nazi party, and in turn, Germany.

        Ultimately, Hitler would not have become the ruler of Germany, had it not been for the Great Depression in 1929. The insecurity of the people, along with the instability of the system they were governed by, resulted in the rise of the Nazi Party to the largest in the Reichstag by July 1932, with 230 seats. In essence, the Depression spelt doom for the Weimar Republic. To be perfectly honest, there is not much the Weimar could have done differently, given the predicament they were in. The US called back all its loans made after the war, and the result was economic chaos worldwide. However, it is worst felt in the Weimar Republic, who was unable to radical changes without severe ramifications for the people. Thus, the German people turned away from the system, and searched for the extreme parties like the Nazis and the Communists. Hitler worked out how to play the people, and targeted the workers and the middle class, the two groups of society who had lost the most as a result of the economic crisis. This was the condition that led to Hitler’s recognition as a force to be reckoned with, but it was the methods of propaganda that Hitler and Goebbels used that brought in the votes.

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        Propaganda was an efficient tool that the Nazis used frequently, be it during the Depression, or in the lead up to the March 1933 elections. The styles of propaganda that Goebbels and Hitler used to persuade the people in both situations were modern, effective and utilized the resources at their discretion. During the period of 1929-1933, the party launched successful campaigns surrounding Hitler, expressing him as the man who would end the troubles of Germany. Hitler’s presidential election campaign of 1932 was a huge win for the party, despite Hitler losing to Hindenburg 19 million votes to 13 million ...

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