Quarry Bank Mill - source related study.

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Jordan Hoose

History Coursework

Study Sources A-E.

Do these sources, and the site at Quarry Bank Mill; fully explain what working conditions were like for children in textile mills, such as the one at Quarry Bank, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? Explain your answer with reference to your site study at Quarry Bank Mill; the sources and knowledge form your studies.

In order to investigate working conditions for children in textile mills in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, different pieces of evidence need to be taken into account. Aside from my own knowledge, the evidence that I will be viewing will be the visit to Quarry Bank Mill and Sources A-E on the question sheet. However, some evidence will be more reliable than others pieces.

        Firstly, I am going to consider Sources A-E. Source A, an eyewitness account of a visit to Quarry Bank Mill in 1845, is useful in the sense that it is an eyewitness account, several facts are given and it is the view of Frederick Engles, the writer. It is also reliable considering the fact that Engles was an educated researcher and a respected writer. Engles was also a campaigner for the rights of the labouring classes (he would have hard to please) so his good report shows the mill as even better. However, Greg guided him and, given the fact that Greg would not want to paint a bad picture of his mill, the source is also limited.

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        Source B, an interview between the superintendents who looked after Greg’s apprentices at Quarry Bank Mill and a government official checking on how apprentice children were treated, describes reasonable working conditions and good care standards, as the children are described as not looking as well when they first come as when they have been at the mill for a while. However, it deals only with three aspects of work in mills and only shows a small part of the interview. Although the site visit and other sources back up what the extracts from the interview were saying, Greg was present ...

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