reagon and gorbachev

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Deanna Pearson 11I

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan became president of the USA in 1981. He said “Russia is the evil empire”. Reagan was committed to reducing taxation. In an attempt to cut back spending he was prepared to discuss arms limitations.

In 1981 he offered ‘zero option’ which would mean both sides dismantling and removing all their weapons but Brezhnev refused.  

In December 1981 the USSR imposed martial law in Poland and Reagan showed his anger by stopping exports of high technology to the USSR.

In 1982 strategic arms reduction talks began and this was also known as START but they soon became deadlocked. In the same year the USA announce plans for the strategic defense initiative which was also known as starwars. This was a plan to destroy missiles from space but the Soviet Union immediately condemned Reagan’s actions.

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In 1983 US soldiers landed in Grenada to stop an attempt communist takeover. In 1983 the USA also spent $300,000 million on defense.  

In 1984 the eastern block countries boycotted the Olympic Games which were held in America

In 1987 Reagan and Gorbachev signed the INF treaty which was also called the intermediate nuclear forces treaty.


Gorbachev was around when the cold war ended in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s. Gorbachev believed in perestroika which meant economic restructuring. The cold war ended ...

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