Roosevelt and the new deal - source related questions.

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Sources Course work                                        Aryana Masoudi 11F

1.Study source A. Use source A and your own knowledge of the period to explain why people supported Roosevelt in the 1932 election.

Source A is taken from a moderately powerful speech, it insures people to have hope in him since that is exactly what he has promised. Whether this hope can be false is debatable, but from a extract form his speech “ no to win votes alone” it is quite clear that he’s not offering people hope only for the sole purpose of becoming president but also he is trying to “crusade to restore America”. Another aspect which has been promised to the people of America was that it would improve peoples standard of living, however this is a very hard promise to keep as it has been experienced that in the roaring 20’s not everyone’s life improved so why should they believe it now. But it became people’s perception that Roosevelt was a generally honest and caring individual. This surely helped in making people place trust in him.

        With such presidents as Calvin Coolidge it can be soon no wonder that after many years of right wing republican presidents that the majority of people wanted a democratic president. The ‘rugged individualism’ experienced had left millions unemployed and living in harsh poverty. This was a time where there was no welfare state to help the poor by giving benefits. Roosevelt believed in governmental interference to help people who couldn’t help them selves by doing this he gave many basic civil rights, which are experienced by every single rich person. So in that respect he may have influenced the poor people to vote for him. Where as with other groups it was harder to get their vote. One example were the blacks, having been freed from slavery under republican presidency the blacks always voted for republicans, so from this respect you can also see why some people didn’t support Roosevelt.

        Roosevelt makes people know that he is dependent on them “ give me your help”. By saying this he makes it sound as if they are more important then he is by pleading for their support, it also makes him see reliant on the public, which in turn bought their trust.

People also supported Roosevelt because they hoped he could bring them his pledge of a ‘new deal’. They were sick of Hoover ‘s opinions of ‘rugged individualism’ and ‘laissez faire’. Roosevelt seemed to be a genuine and very strong candidate; he was a confident speaker and wasn’t afraid of saying what he thought unlike many other politicians who dodged around the real problems. In his speeches he used his words to great effect, he showed his intelligence and experience, which encouraged the support of the American people. For example he used alliteration, ‘destruction’, ‘delay’, ‘deceit’ and ‘despair’. He also linked his campaign to the idea of fighting, ‘call to arms’, ‘win’, ‘crusade’ and ‘waging war’, this encouraged the people to help him in his fight, it is their duty to fight for their country and fight against the great depression.

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2.Study sources B and C. How do these judgements on the New Deal differ?

The first thing to notice is the distinguishment between both source B and C. Source B is a pro new deal source as it includes self confidence and also mentions the rebuilding of the country. Where as in Source C quite clearly states that Roosevelt is or will become a dictator; ‘The only result of this will be dictatorial government’. This historian holds the view that Congress has simply handed over much of its power and money to Roosevelt, which he has used ‘ruthlessly’. By the ...

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