Show how Kennedy dealt with the social divisions when he became president.

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Essay Question: Show how Kennedy dealt with the social divisions when he became president.

        John F Kennedy was elected president of the United States of America in 1960 but did not take office until 1961.


One of the first things Kennedy did was to endorse the peaceful sit-ins at “whites only” cafes and services conducted by the SNCC and promised a Civil Rights bill. These first movements caused the Supreme Court to rule that the ICC had to end but segregation, and that ruling would be enforced.


In the summer of 1961 Robert Kennedy (Attorney General) held a conference with the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples), the SNCC (                                                ) and CORE (Congress Of Racial Equality). This conference resulted in the Voter Education Project, which aimed to get more blacks registered to vote and to actually use that vote.

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Although consequently the number of black voters increased significantly, there was also an increase of white people carrying out a policy of intimidation against black voters. Some black voters and their homes were targeted individually, and subjected to beatings, shootings and evictions, and sometimes whole black communities were targeted when their churches and community buildings were attacked.


In 1962 when Kennedy attempted to end segregation, city authorities in Birmingham, Alabama, who resented being told what to do by the northern Congress, closes their parks, playing fields, swimming pools and other public places to avoid integration. Local police commissioners ...

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