Source based questions and answers - The suffragettes.

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Question 1 – What can you learn about the reasons given by the suffragettes for demanding votes for women?

Source A is a persuasive poster produced by suffragettes in 1912 to gain support and spread awareness of their plight to gain the vote for women.

The poster attempts to do this by using images and text to give reasons of their suffrage. Firstly there is text saying, “What a woman may be and yet not have the vote” underneath this text are 5 images of women occupating different careers such as nursing, teaching or being mayor. All the careers have a distinctive similarity, all are jobs that ca only be done by responsible and educated individuals this is contrasted below where there are a different set of images all of men. Under the caption “what men have been and yet not lose the vote” are men being such things as “drunkards”, “lunatics” and “convicts”, unlike the women these images of men are all incompetent and irresponsible.

        This contrast is intended to empathise that as responsible and as much as a asset to society a women could be any drunk, crazy man will always one ultimate human right that she will not – the right to vote.

        The reason the suffragettes had began their campaign and produced this poster was mainly due to growing frustrations in the women of 1912. Around this time but particularly the mid- Victorian era women’s rights had hit an all time low. Once married a woman belonged to her husband, as did everything she owned. She had no rights to her earnings, property not even her children and until 1891 a man could legally imprison his wife in his home. Not even a powerful woman ruling Britain made a difference, it could be said queen Victoria made it worse, she commented on the suffragettes saying they made her “furious” and she thought women’s rights was a “mad, wicked folly”

        The poster does seem to portray a good argument as to why women should have the vote and it’s also a good example a peaceful and clever protest, which proves that they weren’t, as publicly viewed, only violent. This tactic of posters and other peaceful methods did not seem to make an impact on the government to make them even considered so in desperation after being ignored they turned to more aggressive and confrontational methods in hope their cause will finally be taken seriously and noticed.

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  History Coursework

   Votes For Women


      Bethan Coulbeck

Question 2 - Does source B support the evidence of source c about the suffragette campaign?


        I believe that the two sources do have certain aspects of them that support each other, however they also contradict ...

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