Speech On The Slave Trade

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History Speech: - Abolition of the Slave Trade

Anne liceat invitos in servitutem dare?

Para 1-     How can we have let this happen? 6 months of disease and starvation, 6 months of torment, thinking of the life you once had, the life you should have. Imagine looking over the side of a ship towards your homeland, rapidly shrinking away into the distance. Can you envisage their pain? For 2 hundred years, these sons of Africa, would-be free men, were held captive in their minds, forced to work for no money and little food creating the tools to enslave their brothers, and what for? What have they done? The colour of skin means little to the will of man. We are all guilty, every human who let them go by, shackled and pleading for death, of not standing up and shouting out ‘NO!’

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Para 2-     How can we ignore all the horrors committed on these humans? Yes, because they are humans, not to be bought and auctioned and whipped like cattle at a market. So much misery condensed in so little room, it is hard for us to conceive what these men and women went through. Freedom was a privilege to some, but to the slaves, it was inexistent. Generation after generation of blacks were forced into servitude, children, women and men. They were regarded, not as humans, but as things. These people, auctioneers, overseers, traders, tribe leaders, all these ...

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