Stalin:man or monster

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T oStalin – Man or Monster


Throughout Stalin’s reign, he had his supporters; however, he had far more people who despised him.  Stalin was a very suspicious and paranoid man, as Khrushchev told us, and this only grew as his time in power grew to a close. Five out of the 10 sources are against him and four are pro Stalin. One source gives good and bad about Stalin.

The sources that show Stalin in a good light are mainly ones that have almost certainly been ordered by Stalin himself. He was a man who believed he could never be wrong and wouldn’t let anyone be seen to be more intelligent or powerful than he was. He wanted everyone to believe his ideas, he wanted everyone to admire his ambitions and he wanted everyone to love him. Stalin wanted himself to be pictured as a god or the closest one can get to perfection. Stalin was a cruel leader, but by no means a bad one. The sources don’t manage to cover all the detail, but Stalin managed to change the face of Russia. He industrialised it, making it the second biggest industry second only to America. He also brought in collective farms, which at first brought about the great famine but soon after brought tractors to farms. There was also more food being produced after collectivisation. 30 – 40 millions of tons of grain were being produced each year  after all had settled down, but you cannot ignore the fact that many people suffered and died during the great famine. Many lost their lives through starvation because there was just not enough food for the Russian population. Many suffered because Stalin was too stubborn and refused to abolish the collectivisation project.

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The sources for Stalin are mostly made by his order. This goes to show that, unless anyone was scared of him, he had very few voluntary pictures or articles that were good about him. If there was something about Stalin’s greatness that hadn’t been ordered, it would be because the artist, illustrator or writer was in of Stalin, or they wanted to make themselves seem like they support him. They didn’t want to be sent to labour camps or be shot. Stalin brought about so much misery and depression too. Many families and family members were shot, so the existing ...

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