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From 1923-1929 there is no mistake that life in Germany improved dramatically. After suffering; trying to rebuild the country after the war, reparations ordered by the treaty of Versailles and now after hyperinflation had reached its peak, the economy was starting to boom and cultural life flourish.

This turnabout is said to have happened because of Gustav Stresemann who served as chancellor and foreign minister of Germany. However it is questioned whether Stresemann brought a full recovery in Germany from the period 1923-1929 or his policies to rebuild a stronger Germany were short term leaving Germany just as weak as they ever were.

In this essay I will be looking at the following areas, economy, culture, popularity of the Weimar government and foreign affaires.

        Stresemann did much to aid Germany in restoring its economy. Starting in 1923 as chancellor he ordered strikers in the Ruhr back to work. This helped Germany’s recovery as it meant the strikers would be back earning money and could start to pay the reparation owed to France. This no doubt made him very unpopular, the Germans despised the treaty of Versailles and were against meeting its terms, and they believed it made them look weak giving into France. However Stresemann made this decision to help Germany despite knowing it would make him extremely unpopular and he had to give up his position as chancellor.

Also in 1923 was the introduction of a new currency, the retenmark. After hyperinflation hit its peak the old mark was now completely worthless. Despite its people having to start all over again, which was inevitable anyway, this decision was key to helping Germany recover, other countries could now look towards Germany with respect. Its money was now worth something. There was no doubt that in this instance Stresemann was building a strong Germany which could last.

However, by 1924 in my opinion Stresemann started to make some questionable decisions. He signed an agreement with America to lend them 800 million gold marks; this was called the Dawes plan… and a mistake. Lending money may have seemed like a good idea at the time but in Germany’s injured condition and America’s power over them, it was never going to end well. It did allow them to start rebuilding factories, and therefore increase employment and goods, all raising the standard of living but for how long? If America were to call in their loans Germany would have huge debt and have to pay all their loans back at once which they could not afford. Once again Germany’s economy would crash. And despite the fact I’m viewing this with hindsight it does not change the risk involved. America also wouldn’t have been able to loan Germany money if it was not for worldwide recovery, so it was pure chance that Stresemann succeeded in getting a loan at all. Political stability was also wafer thin the communist party was growing in popularity, which suggests the real state of the economy or the confidence in it; by 1928 it had gained 54 seats and 10% of the vote.

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        Overall on the subject of the economy Stresemann did do whatever he could do to rescue the shattered Germany however that is not the question, it is how far did Germany recover and in what ways the Weimar republic recovered under him, not how hard did he try. So although he does deserve credit for building Germany’s economy up in 1923 his economic policies were not going to bring a full recovery for Germany.

 In the 1920s under Stresemann there was also evidence of a cultural revival. The German citizens all seemed to be prospering from the American ...

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