Study Source A : Source A must be trustworthy because it is an eyewitness account. Do you agree?

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Ian Harkness

1. Study Source A :  Source A must be trustworthy because it is an eyewitness account.  Do you agree?

Source A does not appear to be an eye witness account as a third party is reporting  on the ‘conditions in Russia’ after apparently hearing the accounts from ‘British refugees’ referred to as ‘these people’.  The only person specifically mentioned is Lenin and a further reference to ‘the peasants’.  On the other hand, the fact that there are refugees in Britain who have left their homes and fled from Russia supports the claim that conditions are ‘unbearable’.  Further, that claims are ‘unanimous’ makes it more believable.  It was well known that before this report of October, 1918, that people in Russia were unhappy, indeed the March Revolution of 1917 was a result of very poor economic conditions and there had been great unrest including bread riots.  Hence the claim that ‘famine is widespread’ would also seem believable, although there is no description of the appearance of the refugees in this report.   The ‘peasants’ distrust of Lenin’s regime and poor economic conditions are both suggested by the peasants refusing ‘to sell food’ and resorting to ‘barter’.  This must mean they have no faith in the currency which must be suffering from deflation.  The last claim of ‘Lenin and his colleagues…living in luxury’ does seem believable.  As heads of state their appearance would be well-dressed with the suggestion that they lived well while the ‘peasants’ struggled for survival.  On the other hand, the claim that ‘the rule of the ‘Bolsheviks’ is largely to blame seems biased since Russia clearly experienced severe crisis before their rule began.  Nonetheless, ‘peasants’ may well choose to blame whoever is currently in charge.  In conclusion, more information about who ‘these people’ represent in Russia would be needed before this source can be considered trustworthy together with more information on who was doing the reporting.

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2. Study Sources B and C :  What do these two sources show about the effects of War Communism in Russia in 1921?

The photograph of Russian children in Samara, October, 1921, shows children in poor dress and no shoes, or, in some cases, no clothes at all.  All the children have lean and unhappy faces, and the two naked children have exposed ribs and very thin limbs which suggest food deprivation.  The Russian production figures compiled by R Wolfson may provide a reason for this in the huge 54% decline in the ...

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