Study Source D and E and use your own knowledge. Why, despite the Suffragette activity, had women not gained the vote by the outbreak of the First World War

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Bianca Chanell Orum

In what ways did the attempt to eliminate all Jews in Europe in the years 1941 onwards?

The Nazis campaign against the Jews of Europe covered a broad spectrum, economically or financially, the Nazis seized large amount of property from the Jewish population, much of which was not returned, physically, the Nazis carried out what amounts to a reign of terror against those people. Brutality on the streets that only became worse when they were sent to the death camps at which they were targeted for torture, malnutrition, “medical” experiments, forced labour, and eventually the deportation of Zyklon B. Emotionally, much like the negative publicity in a political campaign, where one candidate tries to build himself up by pointing out the problems of an opponent, the Nazis attempted to demean the Jews by any means possible. They tried to destroy the very soul (mind and emotions) of the Jewish people in an attempt to elevate themselves above them.

The Nazis tried to eliminate all of the Jews in Europe in many ways, starting off with a small case of violence and then it became even greater. In 1939 there were 350,00 Jews in Nazi Germany, as the Nazis invaded first Poland and then Russia, millions more Jews came under their control. By the end of 1941 there were around 6 million Jews living in German territory. As the German army moved through Eastern Europe they were followed by a group of special squads of soldiers by the name of SS Einsatzgruppen whose job was to round up and shoot Jews. After this, the Nazis found a better method to make Jews suffer and their lives unbearable. Millions of Jews were forced into ghettos in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Lithuania. Jews were packed into a tiny area of streets and houses. Every room had at least 10 occupants, also when the ghetto was full the Nazis built a high brick wall to shut them all in.

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Conditions for the Jews inside the ghettos were appalling. There was no heat, light or running water and food was almost impossible to buy. Hundreds of Jews died of disease and malnutrition. If people tried to leave the ghettos, they were shot by the German guards. Some Jews were separated from their friends and families and tried to manage their lives by scavenging for food. Some Jewish children tried to keep their humanity by carrying on with their education. They would creep out of their homes and attend an organised secret school, despite that education was declared illegal in ...

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