) Study Sources A, B and C Does Source C support the evidence of Sources A and B about The Suffragette campaign? Explain your answer.

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Q2) Study Sources A, B and C

      Does Source C support the evidence of Sources A and B about The Suffragette campaign?

      Explain your answer.

In 1903, a new type of radical campaign organisation was set up called the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) known as the Suffragettes. It was led by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel and Sylvia. Later, in their campaign the WSPU adopted militant tactics, disrupting election rallies by shouting slogans like “Votes for Women” and “Deeds not Words”. Many Suffragettes went to prison for this cause and in this essay I’m going to write, if the Source C supports A and B for the cause of the Suffragette campaign.

On one hand, Source C supports with A because first they are both posters used as propaganda to promote their views, they each wanted their organisation to win over the other one. The propaganda poster would try and persuade people to support their cause which both organisations wanted. Source A, a propaganda poster persuade people to support the Suffragette campaign, they used such important roles that women will do such as “mayor”, “nurse” and “mother”  whereas the men are irresponsible. Source A used the phrase “What a woman may be, and yet not have the vote” this tells us what the poster is trying view and shows that women are very important in our life. In my view, from looking at the poster it asks me the question, why woman were not able to get the vote. This way of method was used by the Suffragettes to get us in their side, rights for women.

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However, Source C does not support Source A about the Suffragette campaign. Source C shows a posters created by the National League for Opposing Woman’s Suffrage (N.L.OW.S). This campaign was against the Suffragette campaign and mainly composed of men. These men did not need to fight for their vote as they already have the rights but men joined this campaign because men were frustrated of women using violence and disturbing their time such as disrupting important meetings. Source A shows, the important role which women will do but this was not surely true. Women did not all really do ...

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