The basic idea of my project is to demonstrate that Colombia's global reputation, drugs and terrorism, has been decaying during the past decade (1990-2000).

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Semiotics Project

Thesis: Damage to the global reputation of non-USA cultures by Hollywood.

Subject: English

Presented to: Robert O’Rourke

By: Alejandro Holguin

Trimester 2


The basic idea of my project is to demonstrate that Colombia’s global reputation, drugs and terrorism, has been decaying during the past decade (1990-2000). My research will be based on getting enough information including specific facts and quotes, which will show how and why is the U.S government and its film industry is responsible for all the damage done to our country’s worldwide image. Within the following report, I intend to prove through films, newspaper reports, magazines, and Internet articles, that the U.S´s interest in Colombia is extremely harmful for our image. And that in a non-direct way they are trying to make the world believe that what Colombia needs is military intervention.

What I want is to demonstrate the permanent harm that the U.S government is causing to our country. Through out my report Ill show direct facts that prove that Colombia is not the world’s most violent country. Even though we produce high amounts of different drugs. There are many drug cartels around Latin America that produce much higher amounts of drugs than the Colombian ones.  Colombia has to deal with the worst part of the problem because our drugs are proved to contain the best quality. This is not something to be proud of, but is it really true?

Since the start to the end of my project you will be able to see when did this problem begin, with who did it begin and why. You can also see different statements given by experts in the problem in which they give their opinion complemented by certain facts.

The significance of this investigation is to express what I think of this problem and to make the readers understand that even though they might not see the content of the films as harmful for Colombia, it is and it should be stopped quickly.

Could a film industry or even the media stigmatise the citizens of a country as violent, criminals, cheaters, etc.? This question always comes to my head each time that in a movie or in a TV program the name of Colombia appears as synonymous with mafia, drugs, criminals, and brutal violence. I’ve always thought that cities and countries have the right to protect their image, and even more in such a competitive world. This can result in very serious economic problems and can break or damage the countries international reputation. It is obvious that Colombia’s global reputation has been decaying over the past decade. This has to stop. I think that we’re taking too much time to ask for a bit of respect. (Carlos Ulloa says: The Resolution 141 of the U.S congress  “May 23 2001” demands that the U.S Film industry must stop using any negative stereotype in Latin & European films, and that they must make an effort to present these instead as positive and balanced.  He also adds that even though this resolution was made it has not worked properly and has been over-ruled over and over again).

 I think that its time for Colombia to create its own resolution to benefit the Colombian population.  “As Jimmy Arias says in one of its articles; a proper research should be made.  The Italians made a research to find out what image of them was the USA projecting. They found out that in between 1928 and 2000, 70% of all the movies, projected a negative image of the Italians. They also notices that 40% of all the characters involved in crime scenes were Italians.

Some other 300 films of this type have gone into the market. An excellent example would be the TV program “The Sopranos”.

If this is the type of treatment that the Italians receive from the U.S, what can Colombians expect?  A proof of how much the U.S government cares for all this, is the importance that they have been giving to this famous but completely useless resolution (mentioned before).

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Are Colombians destined to appear as evil in all of Hollywood’s movies?

“The movie “PROOF OF LIFE” takes place in “Tecala”, a country in South America which contains the highest number of kidnapping world wide. It also happens to be that it has to deal with a day-to-day war against 2 guerrilla groups and “Paramilitaries”. Nevertheless it contains a huge amount of natural resources.  Peter Bowman, an American engineer and his wife are sent to this violent country to administrate the project in which he works in. Unfortunately he is kidnapped by the ELT (Ejercito de Liberación Tecala). ...

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