The Beer Hall Putsch

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The Beer Hall Putsch Coursework Source A, which is an eyewitness account of events in the burgerbraukeller on 8th November 1923; note this man was a member of the nazi party but left in 1930. This tells us that Hitler was in control over all the people inside, and also that they were scared of him. You learn that people are excited, or at any rate, confused, when Hitler enters, shown by the huge uproar. We learn that Hitler had lots of protection with the steel-helmeted men and his heavily armed bodyguard. I think this passage shows what respect and control Hitler had over people. Hitler lead with aggression, firing revolver shots at the ceiling to demand silence and also ‘elbowing his way through the crowd’, he was a very powerful man.A) Source B looks like a cool, calm, orderly meeting, with Hitler talking to a group of settled, attentive people. Everyone is seated and Hitler seems to have no big aggressive bodyguards. Source A on the other hands gives the impression of a big brawl of people all shouting, screaming and pushing around. Hitler appears to be guarded, armed and aggressive. In source A it seems as if he is trying to scare people, whilst in Source B he looks as if he I just talking to people and trying amicably to get across his point.                                B) Source A is written by an eyewitness of the events, he was a member of the Nazi party until 1930. If this was written after 1930 then it may
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have been over exaggerated because this man may have fallen out with the Nazi party and wanted to make them sound ‘bad’. On the other hand if it was written around the time then I expect he would be telling pretty much the truth, and as he was no longer in Germany, he would have been away from the danger of Hitler finding out what he had written. Source B is much more likely to be untrue and misleading, this was painted 14 years later and was painted by and official Nazi party artist. It was most probably painted to ...

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