The Bolsheviks, Lenin & Stalin - source based quiestions

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Ashleigh Bewick

Coursework Unit 2: Russia – The Bolsheviks, Lenin & Stalin

  1. Study sources A and B

Do these sources give similar or different impressions of Stalin?

These sources give some similarities and some differences. They give similar impressions by both showing Stalin with what he has achieved since he has been in power. In both pictures he looks happy with what he has done. In source A he is looking happy with how many people he has killed. In source B he looks happy as he is showing workers what he has built to make Russia better. He seems to be at one with the working class, which probably made this a source of propaganda, showing that Stalin has everyone’s interest at heart.

        However the sources are also very different. Source A is a cartoon, which perhaps makes him look like a less serious person. In source A Stalin is stood with lots of skulls referring to how many people he has killed so it is almost a comic picture. The artist is turning it into a ‘joke’ as it seems unreal for anyone to be so happy with killing so many people. In source B, however, he is stood in front of a newly hydroelectric power station, which shows the good he has achieved for Russia. This would have been used to make the Russian people think that Stalin was achieving great things. It would have been taken seriously as it was a painting by a respectful artist.

        In conclusion there seems to be many differences and similarities in these sources. They are both showing things that Stalin has done but on the other hand they are showing a dark side and a vital part. Two very different sides of Stalin that many people didn’t see.

  1. Study source D

Does this source provide any useful evidence about Stalin? Explain your answer.

Source D does have some useful points. It is written by Stalin and in it he is saying how he doesn’t like what is happening in Russia. This is useful to see because he was the leader of Russia and he should have been able to stop all of what he is describing from happening. Also he says: “the lack of concern our leaders show towards the people” but he is a leader that has been involved with the purges. It is useful by telling us how Stalin actually wanted to be seen by the Russians. He wanted to appear as though he was innocent and he was almost blind to the purges. It is a source of propaganda because if people read that then they would think that Stalin was a concerned person that wanted to look after his country whereas he killed many people. This source is however quite useless because it is bound to be Stalin saying what the people want to hear and this makes it quite unreliable. We don’t hear him saying that he was part of the purges therefore he is not telling us the truth about the way he feels. It’s both useful and useless; if someone else had said it then it would appear to have more truth in it. It is basically just Stalin trying to push the blame and this is why we can’t really trust it.

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  1. Study sources E and F.

Which of these two sources is the more reliable? Explain your answer with reference to the source.

Source E seems to be less reliable then source F. this is because source E is written for a communist party newspaper, to have been published it would have to favour Stalin. It is reliable to know that it was published at the time and some people did actually feel this way. I think the letter was written because the person wanted to have five minutes of fame and this was perhaps the easiest way. ...

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