The Causation of the Second World War

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Introduction There is much discussion on the exact causes of the Second World War.  Many say it involves problems left unsolved from World War I and forceful leaders in some countries took advantage of those problems.  Many dictators in Germany, Italy and Japan to concur additional territory brought them to conflict.   Middle There were many important stages leading up to the Second World War.  Firstly, there were many countries involved.  This would of-course mean many individual views from dynamic leaders.  Probably the most famous and powerful at some stages was Hitler.  Adolf Hitler was a German Nazi dictator, however he was born in Austria. He was leader of the Nazi Party from 1921.  His position was not seriously challenged until the July Plot of 1944, which failed to assassinate him. In foreign affairs, he reoccupied the Rhineland and formed an alliance with the Italian Fascist Benito Mussolini in 1936, annexed Austria in 1938, and occupied Sudeten under the Munich Agreement. The rest of Czechoslovakia was annexed in March 1939. The Ribbentrop- Molotov pact was followed in September by the invasion of Poland and the declaration of war by Britain and France (see World War II). He committed suicide as Berlin fell.  Hitler was born in Braunau-am-Inn, and spent his early years in poverty in Vienna and Munich. After serving as a volunteer in the German army during World War I, he was employed as a spy by the military authorities in Munich and in 1919 joined, in this capacity, the German Workers' Party. By 1921 he had assumed its leadership, renamed it the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party for short), and provided it with a programme that mixed nationalism with anti-Semitism. Having led an unsuccessful uprising in Munich 1923, he served nine months in prison, during which he wrote his political testament, Mein Kampf.  The party did not achieve national importance until the elections of 1930 ; by 1932, although Field Marshal  Hindenburg defeated Hitler in the presidential elections, it formed the largest group in the Reichstag (parliament). As the result of an intrigue directed by Chancellor Franz von Papen, Hitler became chancellor in a Nazi-Nationalist coalition on 30 January 1933. The opposition was rapidly suppressed, the Nationalists removed from the government, and the Nazis declared the only legal party. In 1934 Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as head of state. Meanwhile, the drive to war began;  Germany left the League of Nations, conscription was reintroduced, and in 1936 the Rhineland was reoccupied.  Hitler and Mussolini, who were already both involved in the Spanish Civil War, formed an alliance (the Axis) in 1936, joined by Japan in 1940. Hitler conducted the war in a ruthless but idiosyncratic way, took and ruled most of the neighbouring countries with repressive occupation forces, and had millions of Slavs, Jews, Romanies, homosexuals, and political enemies killed in concentration camps and massacres. He narrowly escaped death on 20 July 1944 from a bomb explosion at a staff meeting, prepared by high- ranking officers. On 29 April 1945, when Berlin was largely in Soviet hands, he married his mistress Eva Braun in his bunker under the chancellery building and on the following day committed suicide with her.  Early years  Hitler's father, originally called Schicklgruber until he changed his name late in life, was a minor customs officer in the Austrian service. Hitler was the only son of his third wife. Hitler's father died when he was 14, leaving no resources for his continued education. With his mother he went to Vienna hoping to become an architect, but had
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to earn his living as assistant to a house-painter and by selling indifferent sketches. After spending a few years in Vienna he left to settle in Munich in 1912. These years of penury were formative both of his philosophy of life and of his character and it was probably then that he first absorbed the anti-Semitic and pan-Germanic views current among extreme nationalists at the time.  World War I  Hitler joined a Bavarian reserve regiment at the start of World War I, serving in the trenches as a dispatch rider. He reached the rank of  Gefreiter (lance corporal), was wounded ...

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