The Changing role and status of women in Britain since 19001) Source A is showing a suffragette demonstration in 1908. The Women's Social and Political Union

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Liz Finnerty

Mr McGinty

21st September 05

The Changing role and status of women in Britain since 1900

1)        Source A is showing a suffragette demonstration in 1908. The Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) they  were campaigning for women to gain the vote, the leader of the WSPU was Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst who was very determined she always took direct action in leading her team and often used violence to get attention to prove her point. There is a policeman in this picture because violence was always expected at demonstrations like this so police always went just in case.  

The text next to the photograph says that 200000 people attended the demonstration which is a lot of people, so this shows that the WSPU was popular and had a lot of supporters. The suffragettes used propaganda in the form of posters and postcards, and by the amount of people that turned up to the demonstrations showed a lot of people agreed with their opinion

Source A isn’t that useful, it only shows one part of a demonstration and doesn’t really show anything with use, its just a small part of one demonstration and they had lots of demonstrations that were massive and had thousands of people attend so this source is very un-useful for the fact that nothing is really happening in it and there aren’t many people involved either, it does prove that people went to the demonstrations and supported the WSPU but it doesn’t show enough people to say that it was successful or the actual power of the group itself.

2)        Source D is newspaper article it says “a suffragist attack on the house of commons” but it wasn’t the suffragists that did it, it was the suffragettes, they were the ones who used violence in any of their demonstrations the writer doesn’t seem to like either the suffragists or suffragettes as he doesn’t pay very much attention to who they are that’s why he gets the name of the group wrong, the writers is quite harsh against the campaigners as he puts them down a lot and doesn’t bother any kind of fairness in what he wrights, he makes sure he uses language like disgraceful and shameful. This article was written in a very popular newspaper so it reflected on a lot of people’s views and a lot of people probably agreed with it too.

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Source E is propaganda for the campaigning for suffrage and trying to get the vote. The attitude against the women isn’t obvious. It’s a postcard and so the suffragettes hoped people would buy it so there would be the attitude of the suffragettes going around and people maybe agreeing with them. The postcard is persuasive and clear what it is trying to say is obvious. It makes people think when they read it. The pictures are eye-catching and the words explain the images. A lot of people would have seen the postcard so it may have affected a ...

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