The Crusades - diary of a Muslim soldier

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To the Son of Asaif al-Aliquah,
Your great father has become a hero in history.  He has fought bravely in our failed attack on the Crusaders.  He sustained many wounds, yet he still fought on, using up all his arrows and slaying many with his sword.  Hwoever, his wound were too much for his prowess, and he died last night of his injuries sustained in battle.  He was not the first, nor was he the last.  Many of our men died in the attack yesterday, causing us to flee before the Crusading calvary.  We have had to burn our bodies, because there was scarcely any room to bury them all.  The smkoe was able to be seen for miles around, and there are still men dying now.  I have suffered many wounds myself, and am slowly weakening.  We are starting to run low on food, and on water.  I have been growing weaker every single day, and now men are dying due to hunger and thirst, on top of injuries.  Our
From your uncle,
Taymur al-Aliquah

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Dear Al Sharma of Taibal,

               We are going to attack the Crusaders.  Our commander was furious when he heard that the great Christian city of Anitoch was captured again by the Crusaders, and they killed many men inside.  After the messenger came out of his tent, our commander ordered us to pack up, and took me and 20 men to go search the countryside ahead of the Crusaders, so that we could ambush them.  Finally, we found a low plain, surrounded by two valleys, and with a bit of marsh land underfoot.  The plain was wide enough for our horses to ...

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