The Depression and the New Deal the USA 1929-41.

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 The Depression and the New Deal the USA 1929-41

The three presidents, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, all believed that the federal government should not impede in the economy. They did not want anything to do with business as they thought they can look after there selves. They thought that they would have an increase in profits would mean higher wages and greater affluence this was later to hinder the increase of people being unemployed.

The Congress passed  Fordney-McCumber tariff in 1922  , which put high duties on many imports into the USA. This protected US industry and made it hard for other nations to sell to the USA. USA industry did well supplying food, weapons and ammunition to the fighting nations in Europe and this increased in the USA profits on the whole as they got other countries to buy their products as a result US trade increased, while European nations were fighting, US took over their customers.

The German chemical industry had a major set back as they wanted to put all the money they towards the war; the USA quickly benefited in this and took the lead in this industry, making dyes, fertilisers, plastics. US farmers increased exports of food to Europe 300%

US investors did well from the interest on loans to Europe of $10,300,000,000. After the war they had money to invest in the USA.

During the 1920s US industry boomed, as other industries evolved such as the car industry because of Henry Ford famous production line 'Roaring Twenties'.

It was a second industrial revolution, this time not in heavy industry, like the first one, but in consumer goods, like radios, cars, fridges, telephones, vacuums cleaners. These goods were not new, but they had previously been available only to the rich. Now they were sold, in millions, to a mass market.

They could be sold to a mass market because they could be made more cheaply, using assembly line methods. Henry Ford’s assembly line brought the average price of a car down from $850 in 1908 to $250 in 1925. This lead to a mass market meant new methods of advertising, on posters, in magazines and on radio commercials.. It also meant new methods of selling: travelling salesmen, chain stores, like Woolworth’s, hire purchase. It was a city-based boom. Cities got bigger, as suburbs developed, higher skyscrapers were built as this saved money as the are a cheaper to build as they take less room and sky scrapers could give decrease the unemployment. Farming did badly in the1920s the main reason was US agriculture had expanded during the First World War to sell food to Europe, but afterwards countries returned to growing their own again and also Prohibition hit the production of barley and this the reasons why alcohol drink went underground.

Foreigners could not buy US food because the high tariffs meant that they did not have enough money to spend on the increased import charges set up by Fordney-McCumber. There was also competition from Canada..

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Most of all, US farmers were over-producing food. As a result, the prices they got were low.

Although profits rose by 80%, wages rose by only 8%.

Wages were low in old industries facing world competition, like coal and textiles. Mechanisation often replaced workers, especially skilled workers.

There were never less than 2 million people unemployed throughout the 1920s. The Wall Street crash lead to a mass number of unemployment it was a result from the boom of the 1920s was based on selling more and more goods. But by 1929 US industry was ...

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