The five-year plans: an economic miracle?

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The five-year plans: an economic miracle?


1.        Source A in my opinion portrays Stalin from the very start as being an aggressive and uncompromising person, ‘Wipe out the Kulaks’ shows us how extreme his policies were against people who he saw as a hindrance to his Communist Russia. The source itself should be very reliable because it seems to have been taken as a direct quote from Stalin himself in December 1929. Stalin seems to be very sure that the Kulaks were ‘…sworn enemies of the collective farm (kolkhoz)…’ however there is no argument as to why they were against the farming methods, in my view they probably were because Stalin’s plan was to only get the peasants involved in collectivisation and to take all of the Kulak’s wealth to aid his plans.

        Source B briefly says that the five-year plan had ‘over-fulfilled’ all expectations and as a consequence, some of the Russian population were becoming ‘…intoxicated by such successes…’. This source also tells us that ‘Collective farms must not be established by force’, in my opinion I think is at least a slight fabrication of what actually happened regarding how the farms were established. It also contains a subtle threat ‘…peasants who are not yet ready to join the collective farms will be deprived of water and manufactured goods…’ however it is not as blatantly as antagonistic towards people who were against the collective farms as Source A.

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        Overall I think that Source A gives the impression that Stalin was a very harsh person by the way that he stereotypes every Kulak (rich peasant) as ‘…swore enemies of the collective farm…’ I really don’t believe that every rich peasant in Russia had exactly the same views over collectivisation! Source B has the same sort of theme as Source A but it is much more subtle than Source A as it was taken from an article which would have been in the public domain.

2.        In my view I think that both sources aren’t typically good examples of Stalin’s ...

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