The Nazi Police State

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        The Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) was Hitler's secret state police. Under the command of Reinhardt Heydrich, they were employed to identify and bringing justice upon known and potential opponents of the Nazi regime. Heydrich was the right-hand-man to Heinrich Himmler, the chief of German Police and leader of the SS and there were strong rivalries between the two. This was endorsed by Hitler as he felt that these rivalries made sure that no one was ever able to challenge Hitler and/or his position of Supremacy The opponents of which the Gestapo were to bring justice upon consisted of Communists and Socialists (basically any opposing political party followers. On top of that, Jews, homosexuals and gypsies were punished. Although they were almost entirely innocent to the 'crime' of opposition to the Nazi party, Hitler's anti-Semitic views of their societies lead to the prosecution of 162,734 people by April 1939. The justice brought upon the opposition was what was called 'Protective Custody'.

This was the imprisonment of anyone arrested under suspicion of opposition without trial of any form; the Gestapo could imprison whomever they thought as opposition without any evidence. They were an organization outside Jurisdiction, including that of the courts. Alongside this huge number of people in Protective custody, a further 21,000 people were put into labour camps, these run by the SS. Many Jews, gypsies and homosexuals were beaten, often to death, and although the numbers of deaths of these types are unknown, 534 death sentences were carried out officially between 1934 and 1939. The Gestapo were arresting, beating, and executing whoever they thought should be, and as there were no trials involved, the Nazi's were already killing and incarcerating hundreds and thousands of people, of almost all were guilty only of their religion or lifestyle.


        Young people and children were a very special target for Hitler and the future of his Nazi party; Hitler thought that if the children of Nazi Germany were fed a 'diet' of Nazi ideas and beliefs from an early age, then they would grow up to be fanatically loyal to the state and stay that way. Children are very easily influenced and Hitler sought to take advantage of this to ensure a strong support and loyalty to him in the future. Hitler set up a group of organizations to do exactly that. Boys started at the age of six by joining the 'pimpfen' then moved onto the 'jungvolk' after passing a test at the age of ten. By the age of 14 boys could join the Hitler Youth organization and learn important army strategies and war tactics, along with survival training. It was much like today’s Army Cadets training program, thus preparing children and teens for war, as that it what Hitler had in mind. He was building an army, a youth army, of who would fight for him in order to fulfill his goals in the near future. Between the ages of 18 -25, a year of service was compulsory, and this was extended to 2 years after 1935. It was much different for girls growing up in the Third Reich; activities began at the age of ten (Young Maidens), followed by League of German Maidens at 14. Unlike the military-themed Hitler Youth, girls were taught the values of womanhood according to the Nazi regime. These values can be summed up in the phrase 'Kinder, Kirche, Kuche.'  This being German for 'Children, Church, Cooking.' Women were to stay at home, marry, and give birth to Aryan children. (Hitler planned to birth a master race in order to gain world power). In Hitler's eyes, it was a man's job to fight for his country and bring home the money, and it was a woman's role to bring up a family and look after the home.

        Along with a tight hold over the youth organizations, the Nazis had strong control over education and introduced this 'diet; of Nazi ideals into it, much the same as the Hitler Youth and League of German Maidens. The main focus of Nazi control in the education systems were Biology and History; Biological 'evidence' was often provided on order to show the inferiority of non-Aryan races, especially Judaism, and Jewish children were often humiliated in front of their classmates. On top of this, all lessons now began and ended with the Nazi salute and the infamous chant 'Hiel Hitler!’ Soon, most children were moved to Adolph Hitler schools, and teachers had to join the National Socialist Teachers' League, or their jobs would be at risk. Here at these Hitler schools, pupils were taught and trained to be the future leaders of the Third Reich. The work was meant to be fun to the pupils, and this is how it was received; children found it very exciting and were enthusiastic towards it. Children went to work camps where they hiked and camped and were introduced gradually to racial indoctrination and eugenics. Here is an extract from a school mathematics textbook during the Nazi regime:

         'A bomber aircraft on take-off carries a dozen bombs, each weighing twelve kilos, The aircraft takes off for Warsaw, international centre for Jews. It bombs the town.....what was the weight of the aircraft when empty?'

        It is easy to see that children were basically 'force-fed' beliefs and ideas, some at a sub-conscious level and this gave Hitler a whole generation of emphatically loyal followers. Alongside this, eugenics was taught in Nazi schools and universities, and scientists were ordered to promote 'racial studies' in all sciences. Anyone who protested against it in the belief that it hindered scientific investigation was forced to stop practicing. The purpose of all this was to brain-wash the youth of Germany into loyal Nazism, guaranteeing Hitler of a solid following well into the later years of the Third Reich.



        Anti-Semitism, by definition is  'hostility to, or prejudice against Jews'.  The Third Reich was very much an anti-Semitic regime, lead by Hitler's belief that Jews were potentially communists in disguise. In April 1933, Hitler's SA organized, and passed a boycott against Jewish shops, goods, lawyers and doctors, alongside this, all Jewish civil service members were dismissed of duties. Also, the names of any Germans of who continued to use any of these Jewish services were published on posters for public viewing. From this day on, Jews were basically forbidden from any means of earning income; no Jews were allowed to open businesses and Germans were 'named and shamed' for socializing or supporting them. The boycott was extended in 1935 further, meaning that Jews were prohibited from using or entering public swimming baths, sports fields and parks in some areas of Germany. Jewish people's rights were quickly being degraded by Nazism throughout Germany and neighboring Austria, life was being torn apart for them and when Hitler brought about the Nuremburg Laws in September 1935, Jews were now denied German citizenships, and with that went their rights to vote, and now Jews were only allowed to marry within themselves; it was against the law for Jews to marry members of the Aryan race or non-Jews. Many Jewish owned businesses were then sold of cheaply to Germans and many Jews were advised to leave the country entirely. This was an outrageous anti-Semitic attack by the Nazis and in 1938, a French Jew shot dead a German diplomat in Paris in revolt to the treatment of Jews in Germany in recent years.

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        This gave the Nazis the ammunition they needed against the Jewish communities remaining in Germany, and on one night known as the 'Crystal Night' and 'Night of Broken Glass', 814 Jewish shops were looted, and 191 synagogues were burnt down. The night was named so because Germans smashed thousands of panes of glass from Jewish shops and houses. This was a ruthless attack on Jewish livelihood, and 39 Jews were killed, in no doubt defending their property and families from Nazi attackers.

Heydrich even commented that the official number of recorded deaths (39) 'must have been considerably exceeded’ It seemed at ...

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