The new deal was not a complete success." Explain how far you agree with this statement. The New Deal had three aims Relief, which was to help with unemployment

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Emma Porter – Remove                Fleur De Lys

“The new deal was not a complete success.” Explain how far you agree with this statement.

The New Deal had three aims Relief, which was to help with unemployment, Recovery to reconstruct the economy and to return USA to the 1920s economic boom. The New Deal was not a total accomplishment, but it did turn away things from getting worse, it dealt with unemployment in a way. There are several things that we must think about before coming to a conclusion about whether the New Deal was a triumph or not, I am going to explain the run up to the New Deal and the results that came from them to help conclude my answer to whether I felt it was a success or not.

The New Deal for the start was opposed by the Republicans, because they felt the New Deal stopped the Supreme Court, the president Franklin D. Roosevelt had failed miserably to assign six new, younger judges to turn the court around. The public had the fear of the road to communism; the big businesses feared the supremacy to the Trades Union’s and the expense of the governments increased taxes which would undermine the willingness to work through states rights.

In May 1933 the National Recovery Administration, was set up by the Act of Congress, gave the President control to manage industry and business, it encourages employers to plan mutually and set up codes of practice making, marketing and pricing goods. Later acts were produced such as the Wager Act which created the rights of workers to belong to trade unions and also the Social Security Act which produced the first national scheme for old age pensions and unemployment insurance.

From a member who was sacked from the government in 1936, Raymond Moley, explained that Roosevelt did not follow any particular policy after 1936, their own economy began to slide downhill and the unemployment once again began to increase, but he claims the democrats were not willing to admit, he continues to explain, he felt it was the War who saved the economy and that saved Roosevelt. Yet Harold Ickes who was a close supported or Roosevelt, in 1940 explained, it was their (them being the country) weakness, and the new deal had done a great deal over the previous seven years yet they had not been able to force from those who owed and controlled the main part of their wealth, the security that people had a right too.

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In 1937, unemployment went up again by 2.5 million, this was because Roosevelt had lost his audacity, and this was because of the government’s debt of $4 billion. Keynes a British economist had argued the government should not alleviate its budget yet borrow and go into debt, now this sounds ridiculous, with the idea of leading anyone into more debt, but he felt it was the key to ending the depression, he felt the western governments should increase their expense on the public works such as railways and building schemes, and this extra spending would create millions of new ...

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