The Two Most Important Events in English History

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        We know Britain as one of the most civilized and democratic country, with it’s own system of law and history, which is full of events, like wars, revolutions and heroes. I have chosen three different occurrences: the Norman Conquest; English Reformation and ____________ as being the most important events in the country’s history. That in my opinion affected the whole country for centuries and formed modern British society.  

Norman Conquer

The starting point will be 1066 year when duke of the Normandy William (the Bastard) inherited the English crown from the childless king Edward, as a gratitude for protecting England from Dutch. However, before William landed on the English coast, Anglo-Saxon nobility had chosen another king, Harold. Therefore, William decided to get this crown by using the force.  Due to the battle near Hastings William defeated Harold and killed him. Lately then, Harold’s niece has been selected as a new King by Saxon, though he took the oath to the William and remnants of the Anglo-Saxon army recognized the authority of William. Besides several partisan bands for a several years, attacked Norman castles, but it has not undermined William’s authority.

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        This invasion was very important in the history of England because, he brought Norman culture to England and started to rebuild the whole country in such ways as making new legislations, and even a new language was introduced – Norman French. This changes we could see today, lot of words, which were added, we could hear in traditional English, but its roots grow from Norman French. So Old English had been obliterated long age; in so far any vestiges of it remained, the did so mainly in the histories of Eadmer, William of Malmesbury, and Henry of Huntington, and lesser ...

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