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THE USA, 1919 – 1941



Q1. Study Source A.

       Use source A and your own knowledge of the period to explain why people                    supported Roosevelt in the 1932 election.

      The people of America had many reasons for choosing Roosevelt in the 1932 election. Firstly America was in a really bad state. They were in depression and the other candidate Herbert Hoover had done nothing for the first three years. He thought that if he helped people they would become lazy. He called this ‘rugged individualism’. Roosevelt offered the people a new option.  He said “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a New Deal for the American people.” The New Deal promised to help the people and that is exactly what the people wanted. Another reason why Roosevelt was elected was because of his experience as governor of New York. When the depression started most states didn’t do anything with the money Hoover gave them but Roosevelt used the money successfully to help the people of New York. He also made his views known about the depression. “I am waging a war against Destruction, Delay, Deceit and Despair.” This quote showed that he was going to help them. Also Roosevelt had very good election skills. He was cheerful, optimistic and a good communicator. He showed himself to voters all over the country and appeared very friendly with the people whilst Hoover didn’t so the people the people thought that Roosevelt was better. He also appeared confident in winning the peoples vote, “With confidence we accept the promise of the New Deal.” One last reason why the people chose Roosevelt was he promised to end prohibition. This would allow people to drink freely again and stop the gangsters from being in control.

Q2. Study Source B.   

       In what way would this graph be useful to an historian studying the New Deal?

       This graph could be very useful for an historian. The graph shows how the number of unemployed people changed from 1929 to 1942. The graph can be split into three parts. The first part is from 1929 to 1932 in which Herbert Hoover is the president. In this time we see that unemployment starts off at around one million people and increases rapidly till 1932 where Roosevelt takes over.  By 1930 the number of unemployed increases to just under 4 million and over the next two years it goes up an extra 8 million which means unemployment has risen to around 12 million.

The second part of the graph is from 1932 to 1937 where Roosevelt is president and the New Deal is taking place. In the first year it can be seen that unemployment rises by less than half a million and over the next four years unemployment drops steadily from 12 million unemployed people to 7 million.

The last part of the graph is from 1938 to 1942 where America is preparing for World War 2. In 1938 the number of unemployed people rises again to around 10 million but then starts dropping over the next 2 years slowly to under 8 million and then drops rapidly till 1942 by around 6 million so by 1942 the number of unemployed people is around 1 million, which is how it was before the depression.

A historian can use this graph to see that when Hoover was president the numbers of unemployed were raising rapidly but when Roosevelt took over and introduced the New Deal in1933 the numbers began to drop slowly. It can also be seen that when America began preparing for war the numbers began dropping rapidly and it took America out of depression. Therefore a historian can choose whether he thinks the New Deal actually made a difference and did what it was meant to do.

Q3. Study Sources C and D.

       How do these two judgements on the new deal differ?

       Judgements of sources C and D differ in many ways about their views of the New Deal. Source C gives a positive view of the New Deal whilst source D gives a negative view. Source C says how the New Deal got the industry going again, “it started the wheel of industry turning again.” It also talks about how the social rights of people improved, “basic social rights won a measure of government guarantee.” It gives the idea that the New Deal was a success and it helped the American people in getting out of the depression.

Source D on the other hand gives a negative view on the New Deal. It starts off by saying, “The New Deal certainly did not get the country out of the Depression.” It goes onto say, “it was not really until the war that the army of the jobless disappeared.” It gives us the idea that the New Deal made no difference to the American people and didn’t help them much and that the New Deal was a complete failure.

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Q4. Study Source E.

       Which of Sources C and D do you think Source E is most in agreement with?

Explain your answer.

       Source E agrees with both Source C and D. The first part of it agrees with Source C and the second part agrees with Source D. It says at the start, “It was the hopeful voice of F.D.R that got this thing out of the swamps.” This tells us that Source E is agreeing with Source C as it is giving a positive view about the New Deal. ...

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