The Wall Street Was The Main Factor in Hitler's Rise To Power In 1933' How Far Do You Agree With The Statement?

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‘The Wall Street Was The Main Factor in Hitler’s Rise To Power In 1933’ How Far Do You Agree With The Statement?

The Wall Street Crash on October 29th 1929 was one of the most devastating stock-market crashes in American History. Also known as Black Tuesday, it will long be remembered, by not only those who suffered from it but also by historians all around the world. In the days leading up to the crash the market was unstable. . Periods of panic selling and high volumes of  were interspersed with brief periods of rising prices and recovery. That all changed. When the crash happened stock prices fell on the day and continued to fall at an alarming rate for a whole month. Would this help Hitler In his attempt to take control of Germany?

In 1923 Germany went through a period called the years of crisis. In 1923 many things occurs which lead to this period being given such a name. Firstly in January the French invaded the Ruhr the German industrial lands. This meant there was high unemployment as the workers refused to work. In February hyperinflation started this meant that money was basically worthless. Towards the end of the year Stresemann was employed to sort out the problem.

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 was found guilty of taking part in the  in 1923 he sentenced to five years in prison. Hitler was sent to Landsberg Castle in Munich to serve his prison sentence. He was treated well and was allowed to walk in the castle grounds, wear his own clothes and receive gifts. Officially there were restrictions on visitors but this did not apply to Hitler, and a steady flow of friends, party members and journalists spent long spells with him. Whilst in prison Hitler wrote his book ‘Mein Kampf’, an autobiographical book with political view and Nazism. The book is severely ...

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