"The Weimar Republic Was Destined To Fail From The Moment It signed The Armistice Ending World War One" Do you agree with this statement and who was responsible for that failure?

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"The Weimar Republic Was Destined To Fail From The Moment It signed The Armistice Ending World War One"

Do you agree with this statement and who was responsible for that failure?

When the Weimar government came to power in 1919 it was faced with a Germany defeated and in a desperate need of some help. It had very little choice but to sign the armistice ending WW1, however, as time passed by Germany faced a number of problems from which it eventually failed to recover. It was this combined with the armistice, which caused its failure. The Weimar government never recovered from their association with ' the stab in the back' at signing the armistice.

As world war one ended with Germany defeated it left the German people feeling very unhappy. Germany was forced with many problems such as reparation, weak industry, mass unemployment, guilt clause, hyperinflation and the loss of their coal and iron industry. These problems were the result of the signing of the Treaty Of Versailles. The Treaty Of Versailles, a peace treaty with the allies, meant harsh terms for Weimar; compulsory military service was to be abolished, the army was to be reduced from 600 000 to 100 000, naval personnel not to exceed 15 000, a limit if twenty-four naval ships with no submarines, all military and naval aviation to be abandoned and all importation, exportation and production or war materials was to be stopped - thus resulting in Weimar having insufficient resources to keep order and defence and left many soldiers unemployed. Weimar was ordered to provide all countries that sustained damages from the allies during the war with compensation, both financially and in the form of trade goods - this compensation was known as 'reparations´.
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There was also a loss of many German colonies; this meant the loss of many economic regions and negatively affected Weimar. The terms of The Treaty of Versailles was believed by the majority of Germans to be unfair, however many under the impression that they were fighting a purely defensive war. Many Germans hated the Treaty and the Weimer Republic was blamed for signing it and was used by the German people who hated the new democracy and preferred the autocratic rule of the Kaiser as an excuse to hate the entire republic. Many Germans thought that things ...

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