This essay will mainly examine the main reasons for the boom of America in the 1920s.

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Introduction: This essay will mainly examine the main reasons for the boom of America in the 1920s. Boom can be referred to as the increase in economy, industry, population and different other factors. Moving out of the poor lands of Europe and Asia, there was a place found at last where one could find Happiness or more precisely MONEY. This glorious land was the ‘richest country in the world’– America!


 “European luxuries were are often necessities in America. One could feed a whole country in the Old world with what America wastes. To the Americans, Europe is a land of paupers, and Asia a continent of starving wretches”


America was also eligible to be known as ‘The country of Luxuries’, 'the land of emigrants’, ‘the land of prosperity’, ‘the land of hope’, etc. Their way of living was luxurious; almost all people from working class to high-class rich people enjoyed quite a luxurious life. This high economical and social developments in referred to as an “economic boom”.  The basic key-factors that contributed to this economic boom are as follows:

  • Resources
  • Impact of First World War,
  • Technological changes,
  • Mass-production,
  • Mass-marketing,
  • Mass-consuming,
  • Credit,
  • Confidence and
  • The policies of the republican presidents.

The following paragraphs would suggest why and to what extent these factors altered and improved the American economy.

Impact of First World War: America had emerged from World War I with a strong economy. America itself had not been attacked and had not joined the war until 1917.  Even though USA drew out of its policy of isolationism towards the end of the First World War, it emerged extremely well from the war. It did not have to rebuild itself as the European nations did. Despite few social problems, America’s economy developed rapidly after the war.  In other words, the First World War helped US in many ways some of which are:

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        -Since Europe had to rebuild itself from the massive devastation, the European population decided to leave for America. America’s population increased drastically. An increase in population meant there was more number of hands to work. This also meant that there were more mouths to feed. Nevertheless, the fact that two hands and only one mouth proved to help America. There was enough money from trade as well as internal mass production.

-One–way trade with Europe through out the war helped prosperity and money pour into America. This money for more than enough for food, raw materials and armaments too. High economy meant high ...

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