Throughout the Vietnam War, the Americans used various tactics to try and defeat their opponent, two of which were Search and Destroy and defoliation.

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Vietnam Controlled Assessment; Draft

Part A

Throughout the Vietnam War, the Americans used various tactics to try and defeat their opponent, two of which were ‘Search and Destroy’ and defoliation.

What were Search and Destroy and Defoliation?

Search and destroy involved ground forces, transported by helicopter units and supported by artillery, would locate enemy forces then destroy them, and sometimes the enemy base also. The tactic was very focused on attacking the communists within Vietnam and gaining ground, rather than gaining the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people. Barry Romo, US army 196th INFANTRY is quoted saying “The idea was to go out and try to destroy the infrastructure and the people, of the communist movement.”

Defoliation was a totally different strategy, not involving personal encounters with the Vietnamese, or the use of any ground troops. Instead, planes dropped chemicals known as defoliants over suspected parts of the Ho Chi Minh trail, destroying the thick shrubbery and jungle areas.  The particularly favoured acid was a defoliant named ‘Agent Orange’, and according to Source 1, 77million litres of it were sprayed over the country during the war. Areas of inland forest, borders of Laos and Cambodia were some of the worst hit.

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Why were they used and When?

        Search and destroy was used between 1965 and 1967, and was first instigated by General Westmoreland. It depended on the military capability, under the assumption that American fire power and technology was so superior that both the Viet Cong and the People’s Army of Vietnam would be unable to cope with the punishment that would be delivered. It was also used to try and expand inner-country operations, covering more of the country, and touching more people. However, if the use of normal patrols rather than search and destroy were used, it would be far ...

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