To what extent can it be argued that the issuing of the Emancipation proclamation was purely a military expedient

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To what extent can it be argued that the issuing of the Emancipation proclamation was purely a military expedient?

When Lincoln came to power in the USA straight away it caused controversy in America between the industrialised north and the slave trade south. The south were afraid that Lincoln would free all the slaves and make the south industrialise like the north because of Lincolns personal beliefs about slavery. Therefore the southern states succeeded from the rest of America. On January 1st 1863 the emancipation proclamation was read out by Lincoln it stated that all slaves in states which were still in rebellion on January 1, 1863 shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free. This caused uproar in America There are many reasons suggested by many different historians to why did Lincoln issue the emancipation proclamation. In this essay I will discuss if the emancipation proclamation was purely a military expedient or whether there were other causes.

I do agree that the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation was purely a military expedient and I would argue that it is not wrong for Lincoln to use military reasons to justify a decision, military necessity does not detract from the emancipation proclamation and presidents have to talk about a bigger picture of the overall country. Therefore I do agree that the emancipation proclamation was purely a military expedient.  By 1862 the northern army had lots of defeats bad communication poor supplies and very low morale. They were in trouble. Lincoln needed something to rally the troops, a idealistic view in the north was a ‘war to end slavery’ this would inspire the troops it would also inspire young radical men to join the war therefore giving more support to the north. Lincoln was worried as he did not want to be labelled as the man who let America be separated, ‘he consistently stated that the Civil War was being fought solely for the purpose of restoring the Union. However, the continuing failure of the Union armies demonstrated the significance of emancipation as a military necessity’  Lincoln waited for the battle of Antietam September 1862 and in 1863 a proclamation was read which ‘’declared that all slaves in states which were still in rebellion on January 1, 1863 shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.".

 However although it seems that Lincoln had issued this proclamation to be kind to the slaves by setting them free, It did not apply to those Slave States, such as Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri which had not seceded from the Union, nor did it apply to those parts of the Confederate States of America. This is a clear indication that Lincoln’s emancipation was solely to win the war because if Lincoln wanted to free all the slaves as a moral issue he would have freed slaves in every state not just rebellion states. However this did not cause controversy most were still happy even if only some of the slaves had been freed. ‘most of them seemed to agree with Douglass that the proclamation had, indeed, changed everything, even if the proclamation did not free every single slave’  ‘it was a good beginning, the most significant step that had been taken in a generation of crusading’.Iit is clear to see that the proclamation although not freeing all the slaves, it brought joy to America and its followers of the emancipation proclamation. However the fact that Lincoln freed these slaves in the rebellion states as he knew the south relied very much on there slaves for there income to survive, therefore this would weaken them dramatically. Also the slaves who had been set free from the south would flee to the north they could be used in the war effort, digging the roads ‘whether as soldiers of hired labourers, Negroes laid miles and miles of military roads, dug innumerable rifle-pits, raised forts, felled forests.’, they could be cooks, servants, overall they would help the war effort a huge deal, which at the moment the north needed. ‘in the preceding summer the confiscation act had authorised the president to use blacks in any way he saw fit’ ‘in stating in the proclamation itself that former slaves were to be received into the armed service’ 

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 After the slaves were set free in the rebel states, Lincoln formed black regiments which allowed ex-slaves and freed blacks to contribute directly to the war in the north, the blacks were very optimistic in fighting for a war to end slavery, which Lincoln knew they would be ‘Emancipation might mitigate the manpower problem in another way as well .Ever since the war broke out the free blacks of the North had been trying to enlist’. Lincoln waited for a military victory at Antietam before he issued his emancipation proclamation. Reason being so he did not look desperate and freeing ...

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