To what extent was anti-Semitism the motive force behind the Dreyfus Affair?

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Koulla Christou

To what extent was anti-Semitism the motive force behind the Dreyfus Affair?

Described as a 'catalyst for tensions in French society' (Kedward), the Dreyfus affair divided France dramatically. On Monday 15 October 1894, Alfred Dreyfus, a junior member of the French general staff was arrested and condemned for selling military secrets to the Germans. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment on Devil's Island despite being innocent, and if he was guilty of any 'crime' in 1894, it was of being Jewish. The judges in fact, already knew the perpetrator.

In 1893, discoveries were made that led to the belief that a traitor was present in the French army. Documents disappeared which concerned the defence of the country, maps, plans of fortresses, copies of secret instructions and much more.

In 1894, a letter, which came to be known as the bordereau, and other papers were found in a waste paper basket in the office of Colonel Von Schwartzkoppen, a German military attaché, and these made it appear as though a French military officer was providing secret information to the German government. The bordereau was, however, produced to the French military by Commandant Henry in September 1894. It appeared to be the covering letter sent with certain military communications.

On 4 September the bordereau was copied and distributed to the departmental chiefs. All the officer and chiefs who were shown this document agreed that a traitor had to be found and brought to justice. Suspicion fell on Alfred Dreyfus, the only Jew on the French general staff.

On 15 October 1894, Dreyfus was arrested for treason, and the affair began. But why was Dreyfus accused? Dreyfus' handwriting was similar to that of the bordereau, he was an artillery specialist and an Alsatian Jew, but to what extent was the fact that Captain Dreyfus of the third bureau was a Jew, influenced the evidence found against him?

The Dreyfus affair followed a long line of failures for the French, and this is why it was so significant in demonstrating the social and political tensions of late nineteenth century France.

On 4 September 1870, following the defeat and abdication of Louis Napoleon III at Sedan came the proclamation of the French Third Republic. This was met with opposition from monarchists who were not yet prepared for a republic. Many people longed for the restoration of the monarchy, but the monarchists were divided and this made them weak. The monarchist's differences laid in the opposing views of who should be next on the throne. There were two possible candidates for the throne: the count of Chambord, and the count of Paris. The count of Chambord, a Bourbon, wanted to restore the regime of pre-1789 France, whereas the count of Paris, the Orleanist, was content with the idea of a constitutional monarchy, and their opinions caused the monarchists to divide between the Bourbon and Orleanist houses, and '...their division was the Republic's opportunity'1.

By the end of January 1871, France was defeated by the Prussians in the Franco-Prussian War. This now demonstrated that Germany was the most powerful military and industrial power in Europe. The Treaty of Frankfurt was negotiated by Adolphe Theirs, and signed on 10 May 1871. The French, by the terms of the treaty, lost the two provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, and had to pay 200 million francs to the Germans.
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The loss of Alsace and Lorraine was bitterly resented, and anger against the royalist government grew in Paris. In March 1871, left-wing revolutionaries formed the Commune of Paris. This led to Paris being subject to brutal attacks and a siege which left at least 20 000 dead. The resistance was broken on 28 May 1871 by the French government forces.

There were also other 'affairs' which were the cause of tension within late nineteenth century France, such as the Boulanger Affair and the Panama Scandal. General George Boulanger was appointed as Minister of War in 1886, mainly ...

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