To what extent were ordinary Germans to blame for the Holocaust

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To what extent were ordinary Germans to blame for the Holocaust?

        After the war ended it was always easy to blame Hitler for all that happened. Ordinary Germans involved at the time claimed they were simply following orders. Others claim they had no idea of what was going on. Today historians are not so sure of ordinary German people’s innocence. Many think that Germany’s people were fully aware of the Holocaust and supported the mass killings.

        Today’s historians back this theory for a number of reasons. New to the scholarly theory is Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, in his book “Hitler’s willing Executioners” he claims "ordinary Germans," were animated by anti-Semitism but by a particular type of anti-Semitism that led them to conclude that the Jews ought to die. He also states that. Simply put, the perpetrators, having consulted their own convictions and morality and having judged the mass annihilation of Jews to be right, did not want to say "no."

This anti- Semitic judgement developed by the German people came from their upbringing and the use of propaganda. Germany held anti-Semitic views before 1933, so most Nazi ideas were popular before they came to power. Many people who joined the Nazi party did so because of their anti-Semitic views. This included some of Germany’s important elites who were also anti-Semitic. After the Nazis came to power it was their clever use of widespread propaganda that gained them votes from a broader base of Germany’s population. Propaganda meant that the German population was psychologically prepared to accept genocide.

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        Historian Alan Farmer comments “in short, the regime confirmed and enforced the values and prejudices of a substantial section of the population”   suggesting that anti-Semitism was something the German people had already subscribed to, they just needed a push in the right direction and the Nazi party clearly did that.

        The USSR in particular was aware of the mass shootings either from those who witnesses it or took part. Their stories were taken home and told to their families and were passed on in turn. Many who heard of these terrible stories supplied the details of how this was ...

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