To what ways and to what extent did the lives of the British people change during WW2

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To what ways and to what extent did the lives of the British people

change during the Second World War?

        The war brought changes to everyone living in Britain during and after the Second World War.  It didn’t only bring massive changes but also smaller changes to people’s everyday life.  Some people saw these changes as beneficial but to most people these changes only brought more suffering and pain to the already distraught Britain.  Different types of people in Britain suffered different types of changes depending on their gender, age and social background.  

        Firstly, men were considered to having been affected the most by the war.  From early on in 1939 men were conscripted to fight in the war.  All fit men between the ages of 18 to 41 had to sign up.  This meant they had to leave their families and go face what might even be death.  A source from  shows how “60,000 objectors were sent to prison” demonstrating the huge amount of people who didn’t want to fight.  Many men were also part of the RAF, fighting constantly with no time to rest as shown in source D3.  This source and source D5 are government issued which means that they aren’t as reliable as source D6 and D4.  We know this from the purpose of the source and the time it was written. This image of people happy to make sacrifices as suggested by the government was because they were constantly fighting in battles and protecting the air space.  Not only did the war affect the men who were fighting but also those men who were still working or were unfit to fight.  The photographs from sources D5 and D6 show how men had to volunteer due to the terrible air raids.  Some men lost family members and got hurt themselves as demonstrated in the first source of D6.  We know these sources are reliable because they are photographs and they are probably taken from a neutral aspect to capture the horrors of war.  We also know that D6 is reliable because it is backed up by the documentary ‘Bombs at Bedtime’ where one man admits how he wanted to run away from the fighting.  

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        There were a few men however who benefited from some of the changes.  As war started there was a higher demand for steel and coal especially to build and power war vehicles.  This brought factories and mines meaning more jobs for those men who were previously unemployed.  Source D1 shows that “by September 1939 there were 60” factories significantly reducing the unemployment level.  Even though the source is a cartoon produced by the government it accurately shows, along with the figures, what happened in South Wales between 1938 and 1940.  This demand also meant wages went up but prices stayed ...

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