Trace the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis between 1933-45. Why did this result in the final solution?

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Trace the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis between 1933-45. Why did this result in the final solution?

During the hegemony that engulfed Europe between 1939 and 1945, millions of civilians were murdered, outside of the usual battles of war.  The hegemony was unprecedented in the annals of history in that the murder of these civilians had its roots not in the causes of the war, but simply in the prejudice that lay at the heart of the political system that had spawned the war, namely the Nazi ideology formed in the insane minds of Adolf Hitler and his henchmen.  To that ideology, the creation of a master race of Aryans with all other “lower” races becoming servile to that master race was logical and a side product of that ambition was the ethnic cleansing of Europe.  The initial plan was to move eastwards all such lower races.  In due course however, as the ambitions of the Nazis were initially fulfilled, the problem increased.

The pathetic irony for Hitler and his cronies was that the very success of their armies brought under their control even more of the undesirables whom they wished to expel from Germany, so that ultimately far from making the Jewish problem disappear, they brought under their control a further 5,000,000 Jews even before the proposed invasions of Russia and Great Britain, the entire gypsy community of Europe and millions of Slavs in the eastern countries of Europe.  The problem was to be solved by the “Final Solution”.

Initially the attentions of the Nazis in the immediate years after their ascendancy to power was directed at a widespread cleansing of Germany.  This included primarily Jews and communists, Romany (gypsy) people, homosexuals, those who were mentally and / or physically handicapped and those deemed to be “politically undesirable”.  The initial beatings and tirades against these sections of German society however in due course gave way to a more systematic and co-ordinated campaign designed to enable the authorities to rid society of these “undesirable” elements.  Propaganda under the control of Josef Goebbels was employed to ostracize these elements within German society and make their removal both logical and welcome to the average German citizen.

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Hitler's satanic vision of "ethnic purity" was based on the idea of levels of genetic value in people. To fulfil Hitler's dream, the Nazi's established comprehensive systems to segregate and later to execute millions of people designated to be less pure.

After the succession to power by Adolf Hitler in 1933, an internal security apparatus in the form of a secret police force was designed and continually refined to result in an iron control of the lives of the citizens within Germany. Perfected, this orderly, internal reign of terror spread, as Hitler's forces extended across national borders ...

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