Was 1750-1900 an era of progress?

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During the times 1750-1900, Britain started to use more modern machinery in production methods, this meant that Britain was becoming industrialised. So we call this the industrial revolution, but how much progress was achieved? And what does progress mean? Progress means to move forward or onward, to develop or make something better and to achieve perfection. So how much progress was really made during the 1750 to 1900’s.

     First, the changes in the farming had a large amount of progress in 1750 large amounts of land was farmed by hand therefore a lot workers were needed and it took a lot of time. But during the industrial revolution many different types of new machinery were used and this helped make the workers jobs quicker and more efficient. But as there were new machines this meant that there were fewer jobs for the workers as the machines could do a better job and also meant that the farmer had fewer wage to pay.

The second example of change that happened in the farming industry was the way they farmed.  During the industrial revolution many people was lived or worked in the country side used the open -field system, however this had many disadvantages including: spread of disease,


Another example of the changes in agriculture was the systems of farming. In 1750 when most people lived in the countryside, there was a system of farming called the Open-field system of farming. However things had changed by 1900 as the people realised what the disadvantages were of this farming system. These disadvantages included a lot of land was being wasted and infections were able to spread easily. However, the farming techniques did not just change because of the disadvantages of the old system. It also changed because the population increased largely and the old farming system could not cope with this demand for food. This meant that the farming system had to be changed so enough crops could be grown for the ever-growing population.  The farming method used in 1750 was changed to a new method. This method was called the Enclosed-field system. This meant, because lots of different people owned land very close together, fences were built around each individuals piece of land. It also meant that people without legal right to the land could not use the people with legal right’s land and infections were not spread so easily. It also meant that not so much land was wasted and so there was a better income.

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     These things demonstrate that the period 1750-1900 was an era of progress because these things helped the world develop and improve and this is what progress means. They helped the world move forward by machinery helping farmers a great deal, getting the land farmed very quickly and making a lot more crops and so making profit for the farmers. The enclosure farming technique helped the world because it stopped many diseases being spread and so less animals and humans were dying from the diseases and also, less land was wasted and more crops were being produced.


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