Was german foreign policy responsible for the outbreak of wwII?

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To what extent was German foreign policy responsible for the outbreak for WWII?

German foreign policy was a key factor that contributed to the terrible disaster that was WWII. It is not a standalone cause, but it has a significant role to play for the outbreak of WWII. German foreign policy had four main objectives build up the army, abolish the treaty of Versailles , recover lost land and unite all Germans within the Reich. The Germans and in particular Hitler were willing to use deception and force to accomplish these objectives and that is why it is a noteworthy factor.

Hitler's actions and Foreign Policy can be interpreted to show that he always wanted a fight, and that the outbreak of WWII was inevitable. In Hitler's first year of power (1933)he withdrew Germany from the League of Nations and the Disarmament conference. This allowed him to increase the size of his army by turning the thousands of unemployed into soldiers.  In 1936 Hitler reintroduced conscription to the army, with the intention of using military force to take back and expand German territory. In 1936 Hitler sent German then  sent troops into the Rhineland, this boosted his popularity with the German public and generals. It also allowed Hitler to share a border with France ,Belgium and the Netherlands which he would later invade.  In 1936 a civil war broke out in Spain between Communists and Hitler took this opportunity to fight against communism, try out his new armed forces and refine his tactics for the future. In 1938 a plebiscite was called to see if Austria wanted to unite with Germany. Hitler wanted a "trouble free" plebiscite and sent Nazi troops into Austria. Surprisingly with the Nazi troops there, 99.75% of Austrians voted for the Anschluss and the two states belonged together as one German nation.  This was a key part of German foreign policy as it dealt a severe strategic blow to Czechoslovakia  which could now be attacked from the south as well as from the west and north. Also Austria's soldiers, weapons and its rich deposits of gold and iron ore were added to Germany's increasingly strong army and economy. In 1938 Hitler took over the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia then less than a year later despite stating over wise Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. Lest we forget almost all of these actions went against both the terms of the treaty of Versailles and the Locarno treaties. Does this and ultimately all of Hitler's actions show his intension for World Wide domination and as a result another World War?

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German Foreign Policy is not the only factor responsible for the outbreak for War , you can see with hindsight  that the appeasement policy facilitated Hitler's success to a large degree.  The appeasement policy allowed Germany to grow incredibly strong, not only did it just recover from lost ground it actually grew to become almost as powerful as Britain and France. The amount of Germany's soldiers grew almost tenfold in the space of seven years (1932- 1939), and Germany went from having 36 aircraft to having 8250 aircraft.  Again with hindsight we can see that the appeasement policy encouraged Hitler ...

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