Was the New Deal a success? Source based work.

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George Bragg – 4.5 Mr. Beavington 25th August

4th year History Coursework:

Assignment B/Objective 3 - Was the New Deal a success?

Question 1 –

Source A tells us why people supported Roosevelt in the 1932 election because Roosevelt shows many speech giving techniques to persuade the listener. His speech is a patriotic war appeal to America and he uses alliteration to represent the depression,  ‘Destruction, Delay, Deceit and Despair.’ Those four things are the so-called ‘war’ that he is fighting against and it is this sentence that would have been the headlines the following morning.   He talks about ‘us’ and ‘we,’ including the listener with him so he is acting as one of the people, not like a dictator who is planning to do things against their will. He uses very personal words such as ‘I pledge you, I pledge you,’ to try and appeal to the public in a personal way. The speech stresses that Roosevelt is not simply trying to win votes but his aims are for the benefit of the public.  

        When outbreaks of poliomyelitis spread across America in 1921, Roosevelt contracted Polio at the age of 39. He slowly became wheelchair bound but still managed to become the leader of the democrat party and won the sympathy vote from thousands of undecided people. He won respect and managed to overcome the difficulties of Polio, and it was a sign of strength; that if he overcame Polio that he might have a good chance of overcoming the Depression.  

President Hoover is appealing to the rich people and the hard workers, saying that you should work for your money and not get help from the government. This concept was called rugged individualism and is represents what the Republicans stood for. This had been tested and failed and was becoming very unpopular with the American people, and the people it did please, the rich and hard workers were the minority of the population. A popular saying at the time was ‘In Hoover we trusted and now we are busted.’ Hoover also believed that the Depression would just slowly disappear in time.  

Roosevelt, however, recognized that something had to be done about the Depression that had hit America in 1929. It devastated the American economy and since then Hoover had been ignoring it, or proposing weak and halfhearted schemes to try and resolve the issue. In Roosevelt’s speech he talks about a radical new idea to try and have dramatic changes all over America to try and tackle the Depression directly and forcefully. He also appeals to the right groups of people, to the ordinary working class man and proposes to help the poor and needy. He proposed schemes to revive industries and agriculture reduce unemployment, give fast relief for the poor and old. In his policy he promised to end the prohibition of alcohol, which was welcomed by the majority of the country. He is seen as a warm man who cares about his people, rather than a cold, uncaring person like Hoover.

In source A, Roosevelt talks about ‘a crusade to restore America.’ This is what the people wanted; a huge change in the way the country was run to try and restore the prosperity America once had. Hoover was proposing very minor changes in the way things were going to go and his argument was much less patriotic and effective than Roosevelt’s. 

Question 2 Sources B and C are two judgements on the New Deal that differ in certain ways. Firstly and most significantly, Source B supports Roosevelt and source C does not. Source B talks about the general attitude in America improving ‘change from depression and discouragement to excitement and hope,’ Source C has a very heavy focus on the amount of money Roosevelt used to achieve his goals. ‘There is a National debt for $250 billion, compared to a pre-Roosevelt debt of $19 million.’ These figures are debatable however as there is no evidence to support them.

        Source B mentions the rebuilding of the physical side of the country; the natural resources were being destroyed and Roosevelt ‘tackled it with energy’ and put 3 million young men into work in restoring it successfully.  Sources B and C are not necessarily contradicting, however. Both could be true as they talk about different aspects of Roosevelt’s New Deal. Source B talks about the successes of the New Deal and the reduction in unemployment etc, while source C is talking about the price at which these achievements came.  

        Where source B sticks to facts and figures to get across its point, source C resorts to colourful similes ‘The war rescued him and he seized on it like a drowning man’

        The two sources disagree very strongly on the subject of dictatorship. Source B says that it is incorrect to say that Roosevelt could have been leading a dictatorship because he could be voted out at the next general election, which is a fair and valid point. Source C states that Roosevelt was given billions of dollars, and so gained much more power that could be used to make a dictatorial government, which is a slightly less convincing argument.

        Source C says that the reason that America came out of the Depression is that World War Two employed millions of men and boosted the American economy due to loans etc. Source B mentions nothing about the war and says that Roosevelt pulled America out of the Depression.

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I don’t think that there is much of a significance in the authors of the sources, because source B was written by an American historian in 1945, and source C was written by an American historian slightly before 1945, so they both have hindsight to help them.

Question 3 - The photographer in source D is trying to show the racial issues that existed in America at this time. Black people are shown queuing up to receive their government relief that had been introduced in 1932 while a poster showing off the fine standards of ...

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