Was the Weimar Republic doomed from very beginning?

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Was the Weimar Republic doomed from very beginning?

The Weimar Republic was created in 1918 when the Germans realised that they were going to lose the war. The Germans were shocked that they had lost the war and created this democratic republic to try and solve the economic and social problems caused by the war. However it was not very successful, and I am going to write about the three main factors that caused it to collapse.

One of the reasons was the legacy left behind from WWI. Germany was traditionally an autocracy and were therefore used to having one strong leader of the whole country. A democracy was a radical new idea and was therefore not accepted by everyone. This meant that if there were any problems while the democratic government was in power then people would be quick to assume that the democracy as a whole was not working.

The Treaty of Versailles also contributed to the collapse of the Weimar Republic. This treaty was a very embarrassing one for Germany as it meant that they lost a lot of land and would be demilitarised. The government were forced to sign this as it was conducted in such a way that it was a diktat (a dictated settlement), this meant that Germany could not discuss or disagree with the terms and were told, sign them or the war goes on. The German public saw this as another failure of the Weimar government.

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Whilst the Weimar Republic was in power there was a growing government debt and increasing inflation. The debt was left from the war and was one of the economic problems that they faced. They had to try and get out of debt however they did not accomplish this as the debt kept growing, which also contributed to their collapse. The inflation was due to the government printing more money than its expenditure required. This angered the workers and middle classes as it meant prices rose throughout the country. Yet again this led more towards their collapse as it was seen ...

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